Olivia Taylor.

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Pulling open Instagram I snap a picture of JJ laying fast asleep on my chest. "ChristianYelich: The strongest person I'll ever meet.
Not exactly how I'd expected to start this offseason, to say the least, and a lot of stuff is about come out because of it. All I'm going to ask is you just respect us and our privacy, especially JJ's right now. A lot of it is stuff that we've wanted to and have dealt with in private. Honestly, we would've liked to keep it that way but that's not really an option anymore. Thank you to everyone so far for respecting JJ and me and I just ask you continue to do so as more stuff comes out." 

Hitting post and making sure it actually posts I hit the lock button and reach to set my phone on the coffee table. I look up at the TV again as the incredibly familiar sound of the 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' intro plays again. We really should figure out more shows to watch than just this being the go-to.  Aimlessly rubbing JJ's back gently I watch the episode that's on just letting her sleep for now. I'll wake her up to head to bed once this one's over. 


The soft light coming in from our windows wakes me up. Well, I guess neither of us made it up to bed last night. I blink a few times trying to get my contacts back to at least a little normal since I ended up sleeping in them apparently. Lifting my head I look at Christian and see he's still out, I probably could've guessed that from his breathing. What time is it? I left my phone in Christians truck last night not really wanting to have to deal with everyone anymore. I glance around and spot his phone on the table. Why the hell don't we have even one regular clock in here?

I reach over to the table my whole body having to lean a little so I can grab the phone. I hit the side button and see it's just after seven on top of the plethora of notifications. "What are you doing?" Christian asks with a little chuckle, probably because of how stretched out I am just to reach his phone.

"Checking the time," I respond locking his phone again and setting it back down before adjusting back onto him more comfortably, "We really spent the night on the couch huh?" 

"I guess we did," He says taking his turn to grab his phone, "What time are we supposed to be back at the courthouse?" 

"Ten," I reply pushing my self up so I'm just on his lap facing him as he's still laying looking at some of his notifications. "I don't really know how long the rest of the trial is. Apparently, it could be wrapped up today at the earliest or like two days from now at the latest. That's at least what Jessica said." 

Christian just nods as he's typing something out on his phone. I just watch his face as he does a second. His eyebrows furrow slightly before his tongue pokes out a little as he bites his lip slightly while he reads something before going back to typing.  I wonder what he's up to. I just continue to watch him before he takes his right hand away and moves it behind me and rests it on my lower back still looking at his phone a second before pressing the lock button and tossing it slightly back onto the coffee table. He looks back at me and gives smiles before moving his hand lower and pinching my butt. My laugh at the gesture makes him smile some more before he puts his left hand around me, pulling me down gently into him again.  

We kiss as he wraps his arms tightly around me. Neither of us push it any further knowing right now isn't exactly appropriate timing given everything going on. Just kissing him though and feeling his heartbeat as our chests rest together, feeling him breathing, it's so insanely calming that I don't even want to move. It's very weird being in love what little things you just appreciate about the person. Just him being a living breathing person who loves me as much as I love him and having an actual sense of security. Any moment like this that we share together, is insanely refreshing. Almost like it just hits a reset button, even just for a few minutes, bringing calm to any storm surrounding us. 

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