Nice Of You Guys To Show Up.

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"Up here!" My mom calls down, they're upstairs. I head to the steps taking them two at a time rushing up to make sure I'm here for JJ. I peak into each room before finally getting to ours and seeing Jai sat on the ground propped up against the foot of the bed. Her hair is still wet and sticks to her skin as her face is scrunched up eyes closed tightly as she grits her teeth as my mom instructs her to breathe through it. All she's got on is a towel as she hunches over holding onto her massive belly.

I move quickly to sit beside her. "Jai, I'm here, hey," I tell her putting my hand on her back watching her ride out the contraction. How the hell are we here from where we were this morning? Jai didn't even react to the ones she was having then now shes hunched over barely even forcing herself to breathe while she rides it out. "How long has this been going on?"

"They're only about two and a half three minutes apart if even," Mom tells me as I look up at her for the first time coming since coming into the room. "She's not going to make it to a hospital."

"I called for an EMT on the way here," I tell her before bringing my attention back to JJ. She's breathing heavily now as she sits back relaxing a little, "How you doing?" The glare I receive in response as she lets her head rest back into the footboard of our bed before she closes her eyes. Well, there's definitely some truth to that saying 'If looks could kill'. "Dumb question?"

"Ya think?" She responds the sass not missing its mark even given the circumstances.

"I love you," I tell her laughing a little at the attitude I've received. From shitting bricks in the car about this how calm I am right now is almost freaking me out but I know I can't freak out right now for Jailyn's sake. This is fucking terrifying but I can't let that on now.

"Yea-oww," Jai groans as she holds her stomach again grimacing in the pain as she hunches over again.

"Jai you've gotta breath honey," Mom tells her trying to comfort JJ and help her right now.

"I need to push," Jai says still hunched over the words forced and almost panted out. "He's coming right now." She says quickly before letting out a little yell as she grips onto my arm her eyes pushed together.

"Christian, you need to get ready to grab him then," Mom commands me, I look up at her, "Jai if you absolutely can't wait until the paramedics get here, we've got you."

"What do you mean grab him?" I ask starting to panic now, I don't know how to deliver a baby. I don't want to hurt either of them. What the hell am I supposed to do? How do I?

"You've got a fucking gold glove you can catch our fucking kid," Jai all but yells at me still visibly in as much pain as ever before she cries out again. My heart is pounding in my ears as I look to my mom again who nods reassuring me more than anything. I look between the two of them again before I reposition myself so I'm between Jai's legs. Well, this is a lot different than what I'm used to. I definitely don't remember it looking like that the last time. There's a lot of blood is that okay? Is she okay? I she going to be okay?

"Alright, Jai, when the next contraction hits if you absolutely need to push, you push okay?" My mom tells her as I just stare between the two of them. How the fuck did this happen like this? How the hell did we even get here? How the hell do I deliver a baby? Where the fuck are the paramedics at right about now?

There's a moment of calm as JJ gets between contractions and she relaxes again for a moment. "We're going to need to clean the carpet," I comment trying to make a little light of how stressed I am right now and I'm sure they both are. Only one of us in this room has delivered a baby and the last time she did was thirty-two years ago.

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