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"We should definitely tell my family today," I say looking at Christian as we wait in the small office here in Milwaukee now. "Are you sure you want to find out what we're having today? We don't have to I just think it'd be easier putting together a nursery and thinking about brainstorming names."

"Unless you don't want to know, I kinda wanna know," Christian tells me, "I can retire the Birthday Sex nickname." 

I scoff and laugh as I shake my head, "I hate that it's grown on me. Like I'm not even annoyed by it anymore." 

"That was the plan all along," Christian teases with a cocky little smirk, "Get you onboard for it so I could keep calling them it." I just roll my eyes smiling a little as I shake my head. Dr.Terrell just had to tell us that general time frame for conception date huh? I lift my shirt a little and look at my still toned stomach, eighteen weeks in and I'm still not even showing a little bit it seems like. It's great for me to be able to still hide it and have no one think anything of my excuse anymore. I can't say I'm not just a little disappointed though. 

"You're like four and a half months pregnant right now aren't you?" Our Doctor now here in Milwaukee, Dr.Rube says as she comes into the room Christian and I are sat in, "And you still look that toned? Girl I'm gonna need diet and work out tips." 

I laugh and shake my head a little, "I was just thinking about how I wish I had an actual bump. Like this is nice for me for the media side of things but it'd be nice to see our little guy actually growing more than just when we come in for appointments." 

"Are you still keeping active?" Dr.Rube asks as she washes her hands and flips her long ponytail behind her as she looks to me.

"Not nearly as intense as I had been prior to finding out I was pregnant, but enough to keep active and not let everything I've worked for go," I tell her as I rest my arm behind my head watching as she slips her gloves on. 

She nods sitting in the small rolling stool and coming over to where the ultrasound machine is waiting. "Well, there's nothing wrong with that, and Mrs.Yelich you do have a little bump. It's not much but I can tell. It might be my experience but I can definitely tell even with how fit you are. Have you been doing those weekly photos or anything?" I shake my head, "You should start, you'd be surprised to see how much difference a week makes rather than just seeing every single day. Until you're really showing you probably won't notice immediately. You being an athlete it might not be a significant difference but you'll be able to see it a little better." 

"Well, then I guess we'll start doing that," I comment laughing slightly looking at Christian. He gives me a small smile while Dr.Rube gets everything ready for us.

"Well, I'm going to ask right away, do you guys want to know what you're having right away? Do you have anything planned for a reveal that I just need to put it in an envelope or something?" She asks holding the gel in one hand and the wand in her other looking between Christian and me. 

"Up to you JJ," Christian tells me. 

"We wanna know," I tell her nodding. 

"Alrighty then," I like her, she's like nice. She obviously has to be but like, I'd be friends with her, if she wasn't like my doctor. 

"JJ," Christian says getting my attention again as he laughs a little, "Did you hear her?"

"What? No oh my god sorry I spaced out," I tell them laughing a little at myself.

Dr.Rube laughs nodding, "It happens, more often than you'd think and probably will happen a lot through your pregnancy. A lovely thing called Pregnancy Brain even though it's not completely backed by science a lot of women tend to get forgetful about little things while pregnant. No big deal," She reassures me with a smile, "I was just saying that we may not be able to tell for sure today depending on where baby is positioned. Do you know or think you've felt movement yet? It's completely okay if you haven't this is just a general time frame where that tends to start happening for a lot of women."

"I haven't felt anything yet," I say shaking my head looking at her, she nods and gives me a small smile.

"Like I said, there's nothing to be worried about right now with that, this is just when some women start to. You've been through this a few times now but just letting you know, the gel might be a little cold." I nod and watch as she squirts a little bit out onto my exposed abdomen. "Alright, and there's your baby," She says as she rubs the gel around a little with the wand before stopping on the image of our baby as the little wub wub wub fills the room again. This is such a crazy feeling that I don't know how you're supposed to get used to. That's my little baby about the size of a cucumber now, and it's little heart, all happy in me. Just chilling. 

"Oh look," Dr.Rube says laughing a little, "He's sucking his thumb." He? His? I look up at Christian a second seeing if he picked up on that before looking at Dr.Rube my eyes wide. She looks at me and gives me a big smile, "It's a boy." I laugh a little so overwhelmingly happy hearing that we're having a little boy as my tears start to pour as I look at Christian his face a little red as his eyes are full of tears as he's got the biggest smile on his face while he looks to me. He leans in and kisses my forehead a bunch his hand holding the top of my head gently while his other still holds mine tightly. A boy. We're having a boy. 

"So um, Christian and I have something to tell all of you," I say standing on the second step of the concreate steps leading back up into my Grandparents home. Christian stands next to me his hand resting on my waist, "Thank you guys for all making it out on such short notice so I could just tell everyone right away. That being said, you guys might want to mark your calanders for September 28th because that's when we're welcoming baby Yeli." 

My family takes a second to realize what I've just told them before they're cheering and congratulating us excited over our announcement for them. My aunt Tara comes over and hugs me before holding my arms up and looking at my stomach, "How are you already due September 28th but not even showing? Have you even had to go up a pants size yet?" 

I shake my head, "I don't know," I laugh a little, "And no they're a little tighter but I still fit into everything but button up shirts that aren't his jerseys." 

"Are you guys finding out what you're having yet? Or waiting for it?" She asks looking between us.

"Well," Christian starts, "We actually just came from that appointment. Since opening day is tomorrow now and I'm going to be pretty busy we got it as soon as we could." 

I nod, "Hey everyone!" I call out getting everyones attention from their side comments again, "Who thinks we're having a boy?" Only a few of them raise their hands making me laugh a little, "Well you guys are right," I tell them, "As of this morning Christian and I are going to be having a baby boy now come September." Another wave of congratulations and hugs and cheering goes through as everyone is incredibly excited for us and for the little addition we have coming to our family. Once we're back in LA we'll tell everyone else in Christians family who needs to know and pretty soon here we, or I'll be telling Tyler then everyone who will need to know does. We're almost to the half way mark which is so insane. It's happening so quickly yet so agonizingly slow at the same time. I just want to meet the little dude. 

"Alright I'll shut up after this one," I say laughing a little, "Obviously this is incredibly exciting but please don't post about it on any social media. Don't tell your friends or anything just keep it in the family for right now until Christian and I are ready to announce it publicly ourselves. Obviously my shoulder wasn't the reason I left Team USA for this year but we don't want that attention on us right now while we wait for baby Yeli to come. Given the attention Christian and I get plenty of media attention the way it is, we'd like to be able to be aware of when that might get a little more heavy handed." 

Everyone seems to understand and respect our reasoning for not wanting it out there. It'll be a lot easier to do damage control should we have to if we know when it comes out. Pretty sure people aren't going to be too thrilled when it comes out we lied. Maybe the news of baby Yeli will overshadow any of that. After all, apparantly the whole world was on this baby train for us before I even jumped on board. No matter what it'll be okay.

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