Someone Had To Do It.

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(Long filler/mover chapter idek sorry if y'all hate it lmao)


"Alright, so for the first time since they've been married and now the third time, I think, together. We've got five-time World Softball Champion Jailyn James-Yelich and now four-time NL MVP and two-time World Series Champion with my Milwaukee Brewers, Christian Yelich. Welcome back you guys," Jared says into the much more professional set up for Starting 9 than just a few microphones as we're in the Barstool office as opposed to just where ever we were at the time. "Let's just start off with, best like wedding and reception I think I've ever been to." 

Christian and I both laugh a little before Christian smiles a little at me and responds, "It was pretty great." 

"How long did it take you guys to plan that out? Like it wasn't super extravagant even but the execution of everything was just incredibly well done and it wasn't like super conventional in terms of a reception either. Like cocktail hour was almost like a tailgate basically," Dallas says.

"Yeah, but like the right way," I say laughing a little, "We took I guess most of the offseason for us after the 2023 seasons wrapped up. The first weekend in November my best friend Tyler got married and I was the Maid of Honor or Best Man we're still not sure on the official title of it but," I laugh. "So pretty much after that is when we started thinking about it and then once my season started again last year I sent what I was all thinking with to our planner and she set everything into motion really. It really didn't take us long at all and neither of us had to do much at all for it." 

"What was the fight about during the wedding planning?" Jared asks.

Christian shakes his head a little, "Me just not wanting to do it one night. I think it was the night after Tyler's wedding and JJ wanted to start looking at stuff and I was just like Nah. Then she got annoyed with me and I got annoyed with her. All she wanted to do was pick out colors and I was just for whatever reason not having it." 

"Whose idea was it for it to be as laid back as it was? Like I'd said the cocktail party was more or less a big tailgate and the reception wasn't like this whole structured thing. Like Jared had said, it was easily top three weddings I've been to." 

"I mean," Christian says as we look at each other, "It was a lot of both of us bouncing ideas around. We're obviously both athletes and most of the people around us are as well so we figured it'd be fun. JJ grew up in Wisconsin so she's grown up with the whole tailgate party culture. It was a fun way to tie that side of everything in. No one else does it like Wisconsin does. Since we got Married in Cali we also wanted to incorporate that as well because obviously, Wisconsin is a major part of both of our lives."

"Then yeah," I add, "I've been to a fair amount of weddings and it's always kinda the same over structured thing where it's like, okay here's dinner. Y'all wanna give speeches? Here. Oh, cake?Got it covered. Now dance till you get bored and go home. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, it's just not really us. Both of us are super laid back but party type people. So we wanted to show that which is also why kid's got kicked out at like nine," I laugh.

"That was another part I really liked,"  Jared says, "Like when kids are there it's really hard to just have a good time because you've gotta be conscious of them. Was anyone like upset about that?"

Christian shakes his head, "No cause we paid for sitters and the hotel. If anyone had an issue we didn't hear about it." 

"I think most people were in the same boat about the kids' thing," I continue. "I think Larissa would've married me if she could've when I told her our plan for kids," I laugh. "Like you'd said it's a whole lot easier to have fun when you don't have to worry about kids being around." 

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