So uh, No Head?

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"How are you feeling today Jai?" My gyno here in L.A. Melissa asks as she gets everything set up, "Still haven't gotten your period?" 

I shake my head a little, "No, I took a few pregnancy tests the other day and they came back negative. Given my track history, I figure it's better safe than sorry though with this type of thing." 

Melissa nods as she gets the syringe ready to do some labs on my blood, "Definitely, false negatives are significantly more common than a false positive on at-home tests. However, you said you took a few and it's relatively unlikely that they would all show a false negative. We'll get some blood work done just to be extra sure though and get everything else checked out." I just nod as I watch her holing my arm out how she needs me to, so she has direct access to my vein, "One, two, three," She counts off before putting the needle in and attaching the first of the three vials she's taking today. "Have you been traveling or doing anything different diet or exercise-wise?" 

I can't help but laugh a little, "Christian and I went to Seychelles, an island off of Africa for our honeymoon and got back like three weeks ago now. Then we came from Wisconsin back here. Then for the last week now I've been going relatively hard in the gym trying to get back into shape again." 

Melissa laughs as she takes out the last vial and sets it to the side, "Well that explains it." She holds a ball of cotton over where the needle was and pulls it out taping the cotton on my arm. "Your body is more than likely readjusting to the stress of all of that, I doubt there's anything wrong now hearing about a trip like that. How long is the plane ride for that?" 

"A little over twenty-eight hours give or take," I answer as she takes the vials.

"Yeah," Melissa says, "I'm almost positive that's all that's up right now, I'll send these back so we have a definite answer I'll be right back." 

Well, that's definitely nice to hear. I sit back on my phone while I wait for her to get back into the exam room the annoyingly thin paper blanket being the only thing on my legs right now. I should probably text Christian and let him know everything is more than likely fine, reassured to me by the doctor, not just us saying it is. "Hey, just got blood work taken, she said everything is more than likely fine it's just the stress my body is going through from traveling and working out again. Nothing that there's any reason to worry about. She's probably just going to come back and look at everything and I'll be home after that." 

Melissa comes back in and latches the door behind her, "We'll get any results in your blood work in a few hours. Like I said I'm almost positive your body is just trying to get back on a schedule and figure out what's happening again, it's super normal and nothing to stress about unless its a constant thing where you're going months on end without a menstrual cycle. A month or even two isn't anything to stress over." 

"Yeah," I respond nodding, "I've missed some before but haven't since I've had my IUD out so I figured better be safe than sorry."

"And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that," Melissa reassures me, "We'll check everything out and then I'll let you go and once your results are in I'll give you a call okay?" 

"Alright, sounds good." 

"Thank you for letting me know," I respond into the phone getting my results as Christian just watches me.

"If it continues on, come back and we'll reassess but I didn't see anything that I'm concerned about. Have a great rest of your day Jailyn and good luck on this next season if I don't see you again before it!" 

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