Shut Up and Go.

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(take everything I say in my A/Ns with a grain of salt lmao I'm incredibly busy seemingly all the time, I'm doing like half of my best lmao I know it been a minute)


"Is it weird that I'm like nervous?" I ask Christian as we pull into the lot of the venue where I basically have to re-tryout for Team USA now. "I don't think I have anything to even be worried about but I still am like, I don't know. What if I lost my mojo?" 

"Lost your mojo," Christian mumbles back with a small chuckle, "JJ you're completely fine. You still absolutely rake and even if you lost a little bit of it you're still fucking incredible." 

"Are you saying I lost it?" I ask wide-eyed, "Like I know I'm not on top of my game right now but are you thinking I lost it?" 

"No, absolutely not," Christian responds clearly amused by my stress over this right now, "I was just saying that even if you did, not that you did." 

I nod a little looking at my bag on the car floor between my legs, god this feels like being a kid again with park and rec teams. Got all my shit ready to go that I have to handle myself and not having a whole crew to handle it for me. The lack of team security too definitely isn't ideal even if there's really no way I don't get my spot back given my 'Face of Softball' status. Imagine the waves that would make if I didn't make the team. I don't really believe that's even an option though for anyone right now. The last two seasons now haven't been pretty for Team USA to say the absolute least. 

"What would you do if I don't make the team again?" I ask, "I'm pretty sure I'd lose all my partnerships if that happened." 

"First of all," Christian says almost sassily as he parks, "That's not going to happen. Second of all, no one has dropped you even taking these past two seasons off and basically saying it was your retirement. I think you're fine." He scoffs a little shaking his head, "And even if there were some chance you didn't get a spot on the team unless you somehow figured out a way to piss away what the three hundred million you've earned in your years playing, I really wouldn't have an issue with it." I laugh a little at his little estimation of my earnings and how fucking ridiculous it sounds that I have that much-earned money. I couldn't ever use that much money if I tried. "JJ you're going to be completely fine regardless of what happens in there today even though there's only one thing that could happen. Now get your perfect little ass in there and show them that Jailyn James-Yelich is back and she's still kicking ass."

"Okay, I wouldn't say little ass," I reply making him laugh as I'm giggling myself.

"Shut up and go get your spot back." 

I dig my front foot into the ground as I plow through the ball as it comes in off the machine and watch it hit the seam of the back of the cage and the top of it on the rise. That bitch would've been gone. I look back at Camille as she nods in approval. "Alright, Jai, I think we've seen plenty. Welcome back officially now that we've gotten through the formality of making you try out again."

"Oh shit," I say laughing a little, "So I had a spot regardless of if I could make contact today or not?" 

"I mean," Camille says with a small shrug, "Not exactly if you absolutely bombed it I would have had to reevaluate my plans for this next season. Seeing as you showed up and continued to prove why you're the face of softball, there's no question."

I just laugh a little tossing my gloves into my bag, "So are we getting a contract ready or anything or are there more formalities you need to do? Cause I'm down for a two-year contract right now ending after the next Olympic season. I'm thinking ten mil for the two years and then re-evaluating after that on if and when I come back again." 

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