God, It's Good To Be Back.

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Leaning my left arm on Carly's shoulder, I listen to Ken's pre-game huddle, waiting for him to wrap it up so I can take the floor. Once Ken finishes his briefing, he opens the floor to me. Personally, I don't think that I'm on the pedestal that Ken claims that I am to the girls, but if he thinks it's going to help, I guess it's worth the shot. 

Taking a step in, I stand up straight again, ready to address my team for the first time in three months. "Alright," I start out, glancing around at the sixteen sets of eyes on me. "Without sugar coating anything, we've sucked recently. I'm pretty sure all of you can agree when I say that. We haven't been working as a team. We've been cliquey and too worried about ourselves that we've looked terrible when it comes to fundamentals."

"I'll be the first to admit that I've been part of the problem, for not realizing the position I was in and for not recognizing how segregated it may have sometimes seemed with Syd, Maddy, Carly, and I. The four of us being the longest veterans on this team, we should've stepped up in the clubhouse more than we had, and I'm sorry for that." 

"Up until I got injured, I didn't fully understand how I was being viewed in the clubhouse. I didn't get the position I was in because I'd never been in it before. Being transparent here, I probably wouldn't have recognized it if it weren't for Carly complaining about how she had to step," We all chuckle a little at the comment, "Again, I'm sorry for that."

"Regardless of all of that, we're still here about to compete in the World Championship tournament. We're still Team USA, and we're still more than capable of beating every single team out there. Each and every one of you earned your position on this team just like I did, just like Carly did, and Sydney, and Maddy, and every single one of you in this room did. We've all got the tools to be able to make this team successful. All we've gotta do now is use them and use them together. No more trying to coast off of or expecting someone to step up and carry the team because as individual as this sport can feel, it takes every single one of us on that field to make it successful." 

"I love you guys and this team, and I know damn well that we're still the best team in the world. All we have to do now is prove that starting today by going out and playing Team USA Softball." Glancing around the room, there are several nods, the girls acknowledging everything I've said. "Now, let's go out and kick some ass!" I yell, throwing my hand in first as a chorus of yeahs and cheers ring out as they all join in. "USA, USA, USA," We all chant, getting hyped up before we break and start making our way out to hit the field. Ken holds me back as the rest of the girls head out.

"What's up?" I ask, looking at him as I grab my glove again. 

"Thank you for that," He tells me, giving me a smile, "I appreciate that amount of we's you used as if you've had any part in the last couple of months."

"It's still my team," I say, shrugging it off, "I wasn't about to just come in telling them they suck." 

Ken chuckles, nodding, "I know that but there were a lot of ways you could've stepped up there, and I think you nailed it. You had no part in how the last couple of months played out, but you still took accountability for it. The girls needed that." 

"Let's just hope it helped," I say, trying to shrug it off. I'm just doing what I can to help this team be successful. It's nothing that special.

"We're about to see," Ken chuckles, smacking my back as he starts making his way out towards the field. Following quickly behind, I make my way up my favorite steps for the first time in far too long. 

Getting all my stuff set in my spot, I go through my pre-game routine before I hear the initial cords of AC/DC's "Back in Black" start off before there's a roar of cheers. Chuckling to myself, I turn and glance up at the video board. Smiling, I shake my head slightly, seeing myself before I take the couple of steps up to the field and wave to the crowd gathered today. Letting them cheer a little, I glance around the field, noticing the girls from Canada looking my way. My presence here today wasn't exactly known until now. Hell, I didn't even know I was going to suit up until about two hours ago. That's gotta get in their heads a little bit.

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