Isla May.

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I head into the bathroom and look in the mirror from the side, holy shit. That's a little bump. Twenty-One weeks in, nineteen to go. I pull open my phone to snapchat a picture to Christian as he's on a short road trip to Miami for a series before the crew is back in Milwaukee. Given how short this trip was I decided to stay home and start prepping a little for when he's coming. This was also the best time to get a chance to catch up with Tyler and Dylan. I snap the picture to Christian and let him know, "Little dude is a big banana now, moving around like CRAZY! Can't wait for daddy to get home."

After hitting send I hit Tyler's contact and calling him it rings a couple of times before he picks up. "Now isn't a great time can I call you back?" He asks as I can hear a small child whining in the background wait. . . Did him and Dylan get a kid? Did their adoption process go through?

"I mean yeah, I guess, I just really want and need to talk to you and Dylan. Is that a kid I hear in the background?"

"Yeah, she's getting cranky because she's hungry like I said can I call you back?" He sounds incredibly stressed as he speaks. She's hungry? Who's she? What?

"Yeah, that's fine," I say still incredibly confused, "Hey Ty-" I can't even finish my thought before I hear the dial tone letting me know he's hung up on me. What the hell? I look at my phone back on the screen with Tyler's contact on it I mean if he's busy he's busy but like say bye or something damn. He wouldn't have just not told me about him and Dylan's adoption going through right? I mean if he did I definitely don't feel guilty about how long I've unintentionally waited to tell him I'm pregnant.

I head into my closet and pull out a pair of jeans and pretty much the first t-shirt I have and slip them on. Well, I guess attempt to get the jeans on as I can't get them fully zipped let alone buttoned. Laughing a little to myself I just shake my head and slip them back off. I probably should've tried wearing jeans at some point the last few weeks other than joggers and leggings. Apparently, that's what I'm going to be sticking to until I invest in maternity clothing when I can't just get away with it anymore.

Almost as soon as I finish getting dressed my phone is going off, "Hey."

"What's up? Did you need something?" Tyler asks a lot less stressed than he had been all of five minutes ago.

"Yeah I was wondering what you were up to today, I wanted to talk to you about something, but like who was hungry? You only have nephews don't you?"

"Oh shit," Tyler says, "Oh my god we forgot to tell you. Jai I'm so sorry the whole thing happened so stupidly fast we barely got time to even tell our families by the time we had her. Our adoption got approved and we got set up with a safe havened baby a little over three weeks ago now." What the fuck? Tyler and Dylan have a baby now? They've had one for three weeks already? Huh? "She's beautiful, I've never loved a thing on this planet more than that little girl dude it's insane. She's got me wrapped so damn tightly around her little fingers."

"Well-woah-I'm, jesus," I say chuckling a little in shock almost hearing this news now, "I mean like- what? Ty, I'm like speechless right now. Like that's amazing and I'm happy that worked out for you guys I'm just wow, I didn't expect you to like already have her before I like knew you were approved."

"Jai, I'm so sorry dude, it wasn't intentional at all it just happened like one after another and I guess we were just so focused on her and making sure our family knew that we didn't even get the chance to let you or like any of our friends know."

I shake my head a little, "Don't worry about it I get it. It's just big news, when do I get to meet her?"

"Uh," Tyler says, "I mean if you're free today you can stop by Dylan and my place. Don't you have something to tell me though?"

"Yeah, that's an in-person conversation though," I tell him with a little laugh, this dude really has a kid now what the hell? "I'll head over now if that's good with you?"

"Yeah, that's fine Dylan should beat you back."

"Alright, see you in a bit."

"See you soon," Tyler responds before hanging up. His ass really has a kid now. Like I'm happy for him and have no doubt Dylan and him are going to be the best dads, but jeez that's crazy.

"I'm sorry again that we didn't tell you sooner, she's just been keeping us very busy," Tyler says as we follow Dylan into what I can only assume is the nursery. Dylan leans into the crib and picks up the little girl and has the biggest smile on his face as he shows off their daughter to me. Dylan takes the few steps back across the room to me before offering to let me hold her. I quickly comply and am soon staring at this beautiful baby girl in my arms.

"Jai, this is Isla May," Tyler tells me finally. Isla May, a name just as beautiful as her. She's so tiny, her dark hair full on her little head, dainty little lashes resting on the dark skin on her cheeks, her little lips parted slightly as she sleeps peacefully in my arms.

"Wow," Is all I can say right now as I just stare at this beautiful baby girl in my arms. Jesus if this is how I am with their baby how am I going to be able to function when mine is here? Now is probably a decent enough time to tell them seeing as they didn't tell me about little Isla for the last three weeks. "Well, now you guys can't get mad at me for not telling you, but I'm pregnant."

"Shut up," Tyler says laughing almost like he doesn't believe me, "Seriously?"

I nod looking at him with a big smile, "Twenty-one weeks now today. Baby Yelich has an arrival date of September 28th."

"No shit?" Tyler asks looking at me eyes wide, "Like you're not just like calling that now that we've got a kid like your dead ass pregnant?"

"One of you want to take Isla?" I ask holding her out for Dylan to take. Dylan takes her and I lift up my shirt to show them my itty bitty baby bump. "It's not much of a bump but you guys haven't seen me in forever so you might be able to tell more than most."

"Holy shit," Tyler says pulling me into a massive hug, "Congratulations Jai, this is crazy."

"I know," I tell him hugging him back, "We were trying for like six months then even had an appointment for IVF and then a week before it I figured out I was pregnant. Now I'm having a little boy and we're already halfway there."

"Wait its a boy?" Tyler asks pulling me away from him and holding on my shoulders looking between my face and my stomach, I nod grinning at him, "Holy shit that's incredible! Oh my god," Tyler says hugging me again, "Babe we have to hold Isla back a year so they can go to school together! Oh my god, our kids can be best friends too!"

I laugh at how excited Tyler is about it geeking out like we're still kids trying to plan our perfect future to make sure we're always in each other's lives. "Well, obviously they're going to be best friends. They'll probably end up sick of each other because of us hanging out trying to force them to."

"So what," Tyler says laughing, "They'll just have to suck it up."

"Can I congratulate her now or are you gonna be a Jailyn hog?" Dylan teases making me laugh as Tyler and I break apart and they pass off Isla so Dylan can give me a hug. "Congratulations Jai, you and Christian have always been some of the best people I've ever met and that little dude is incredibly lucky to have parents like you two. I know no matter what that little guy's gonna be loved."

"Well same to you," I reply, "People still aren't nearly as accepting as they should be, and I can't imagine that it's going to be easy all the time but I know you guys are going to be okay. I know that little girl is going to be loved always and if you guys need help with anything I'm a phone call away."

"Thank you Jai," Dylan tells me, "We might end up having to take you up on that when she's a little bit older. For right now it's kind of the same across the board I think." I laugh a little and nod as Dylan and I pull away and he stands next to Tyler. The three of them are so incredibly cute with each other. Absolutely destroys a traditional family mold, but there's nothing wrong with that in the slightest. That little girl is so so loved already and that's all anyone should ever ask for for a kid.

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