Let's Do It.

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Eleven on the dot I walk into the police station. Detective Miller is already waiting as I get through the second door. "Jailyn, thank you for taking the time to come down," Detective Miller greets, shaking my hand quickly. "We're just back in this office if you'd follow me."

"Alright," I reply, not really interested in the small talk. My heart is already pounding in my chest as I follow him through the first door he badges into. The hallway is cold as he leads me past several doors, the locker room, a bathroom, and a couple of other offices, it's familiar as I remember visiting my dad at work as a kid even if it's an entirely different department.

Gesturing me into the room directly at the end of the hall, Detective Miller shuts the door behind us before introducing me to the two other people already waiting. "Jailyn, this is Detective Schmidt, and District Attorney Jessica Sullivan."

"Nice to meet you," I greet, shaking both of their hands.

Jessica gives me a warm smile, "You too. Although, I do wish it was under different circumstances. I appreciate you being here." 

"Of course," I say, giving her a small smile. She's got an aura about her, I'm not sure what it is, but she's got her shit down. As the DA I'm sure you have to be, but her demeanor shows it well. 

Settling into the room, Jessica gets things started, "So we're going to ask you a couple of questions, mostly just regarding your relationship with Nick Kelly. We will be recording the conversation to be able to make sure we document all the information necessary to prepare for the trial. That is, of course, pending a potential plea deal." 

"That works for me," I reply, sitting back in my chair as I'm handed a water, "Thanks."

"Did you happen to bring in anything that may be used as evidence?" Detective Miller asks.

"Yeah," I say, rummaging through my purse to grab the two phones, "These still have the texts between Nick and me when we were dating. He wasn't ever exactly careful of what he said to me. Honestly, I probably haven't looked at them since we'd broken up, so I can't guarantee how helpful they'll actually be. I will need them back once this is all said and done, they're also the last phones I had when my mom was still here." 

"Of course," Jessica assures me as I hand over the two phones. "Whenever you're ready, can you recount the nature of your relationship with Nick Kelly?" 

"Yeah," I say with a nod, almost immediately my body tenses up. It's the right thing to do and that's what matters, but fuck does talking about it always suck.

Starting from the top, I recount everything I can remember, when we met, when we started dating, when things were okay, everything into when things took a turn. From the constant fights, me being trapped in his house, his constant threats, telling me he had people watching my house, him threatening to kill himself, the sexual assault, him almost choking me, everything. Nothing was spared for some fucked up sense of protecting him that I once had. His personal life means nothing, especially now that he's taken someone's life entirely. 

"What's the statute of limitations on false imprisonment?" Detective Shmidt asks. He's got a couple of bullet points listed out, his pen resting on the first.

"Six years," Jessica responds, glancing at his notepad. "Assault and battery is three to six, in this case, it at best would be three. However, sexual assault has a minimum of ten years to no limit. We're still well within the time frame for that." 

What does that mean for me? Are they going to try to build a case for me? Do I want that? Would that help Olivia if I'd pursue a case? Everyone in my life at the time told me I didn't have a case in any capacity, but now here we are, what, eight years later? Do they think there's actually a case to build? "Are you thinking I have a case?" 

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