Yeah, you're in at DH.

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Grunting slightly as I make complete contact with the ball, I can't help but smile to myself, finally being able to swing my bat again. Even if it's just a sharp little liner up the middle, being cleared has never felt so good. Cocking back again, I reset, ready for the next pitch off the machine to fly to me. Every rattle through my hands, and little bit of contact I make, makes me feel that much better about everything right now. Even though I'm out of shape, it feels damn good to be back.

Once the machine is out of pitches, I step out of the cage and grab my phone that I'd propped up to film my first time back in the cage in just about four months. Looking back through the video, I can't help the smile on my face as I take pitch after pitch and make meaningful contact with most of them. Finding the section of my best hit from the session, I clip it and take it over to Instagram, posting it on my story.

Adding the beginning of 'Smile Back' to the background, I type out, "How's this one go again?" Before adding three of the emoji eyes and posting it out to the world. The internet can have a field day with this one.

Pulling my helmet off, I repack my home bat bag and get ready to head home. Letting my newly cleared status stew a little, I'm barely in my car before my phone starts going off, and Carly's name is scrawled across the screen.

"Hey," I start, getting cut off as I ask, "What's up?"

"Your ass better be in OKC next week," She says immediately, making me laugh.

"That was always the plan," I comment, knowing she means more than just as a spectator.

"I mean playing, asshole," She replies, "You can't post that shit and not come back. Jailyn, just imagine how scared the Aussies will be if you roll up for the first game."

"I'm definitely rolling up," I reply, starting my car and immediately backing out of the spot, "Just not planning on playing."

"Not planning," Carly catches, "That's not a no."

"It's definitely not a yes," I retort, laughing as I start my drive home, "What time are you guys all heading down?"

"Everyone but you is down here already," Carly comments, "Seeing as no one knows how to play this damn game anymore, Ken wanted to get some practices in."

Scoffing, I nod even though I know she can't see me, "Given how the rest of this season has panned out, I don't blame him. Y'all wouldn't even have a shot if we weren't the host team."

"Don't remind me," Carly groans, "I don't want to see your face unless it's in uniform."

"That might be the meanest thing you've ever said to me," I laugh, turning down Christian and My street. "I'm not going to even touch on promising you anything, today is the first time I've swung a bat in four months, and I still haven't seen a live pitch. Me listening to my shoulder takes priority to me listening to you right now."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Carly replies, "We get it you're responsible, but I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't be. We need your mojo back."

"I'm hanging up," I tell her, chuckling as I continue down the stretch. "Is there anything else you needed beyond harassing me to come back?"

"No, that was pretty much it," She laughs, "So I'll see your ass on the field?"

"Bye, Carly," I say, laughing, as I hang up the phone. She can harass me over text if she feels so compelled. Setting my phone down on the passenger seat, I continue my drive home, not worrying about it continuing to vibrate where it sits. Glancing at it, I can't help but smile at the reaction I'm getting so quickly.

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