We Have a Dishwasher.

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"The last time I knew was before we left I think," Christian answers confused, "I kinda thought you were on it now." 

"I swear to god you're trying to piss me off," I say blatantly looking at him shaking my head a little. 

"I'm sorry," Christian says, "Why what's up?" 

"Well, it's been over a month since I've gotten one now," I say. "Obviously we've been careful but we all know how shit can fail." 

"Hold on," Christian says furrowing his eyebrows, "Wait, you think you could be pregnant?" 

"I mean, in a lot of cases, that's what a missed period could mean yes," I say almost sarcastically.

 "Okay, we can do without the sass," Christian responds.

"Bro I'm stressing that's how I'm getting through things," I tell him, "I don't feel like I'm pregnant but obviously me being late indicates otherwise." 

Christian sighs a little and pushes his hand through his hair, "So we should go out and get tests right? Especially if we're going out tonight because you shouldn't be drinking if your pregnant right?"

"Babe if I'm not drinking you're not drinking," I reply shaking my head a little, "I don't want any hopes getting up about a baby though Christian. I'm not ready to put my career on hold for one right and you've got a few years in your contract that you can't put yours on hold either." 

"I know JJ," Christian says, "Let's just figure out if we actually have to stress about it or not first. If it's actually a thing, then we'll sit down and talk about it, if not, there's nothing to worry about okay?" I nod a little before he wraps his arms around me, "Hey I'm sorry for being a dick, I just don't want you getting hurt."

"I know," I say, "I just need you to understand that I know my body and I know what I'm doing. If I get hurt that's on me, I'm going to be hurting for a while it's not just going to get back to a hundred percent on its own." 

"I trust you JJ, I just don't like seeing you hurting," Christian replies holding me a little tighter, "Who should make the run to get the tests do you think?"

Shaking my head a little I pull away, "We could postmates some?" 

"Good lord you're a genius." 

Examining the instructions on the back of the box, I should get a cup, I don't think I could pee for forty-five seconds right now. "I need a cup," I tell Christian pulling out the two ClearBlue tests from the first box still wrapped in a thick blue branded packaging. Christian heads out of the bathroom to the kitchen while I grab the First Response box and pull the two pink packets containing the actual tests out before the white packet with the test to confirm the result. I guess I'll just do one of each and then the confirmation test. 

Christian comes back with one of our glass drinking cups in hand, "You know I'm peeing in that right? Like we're throwing it away when this is done."

"Why?" He asks turning the cup in his hand looking at it.

"Because I'll have pissed in it?" I ask dumbfounded he doesn't see the problem, "I'm not using a cup that I know I pissed in and I'm sure as hell not going to just let guests use it." 

"We have a dishwasher," Christian says handing the cup to me. 

"You want to use a cup that you know I pissed in?" I ask shook at his thought process or lack thereof right now. 

"Alright I get it just use it, it's fine," Christian says sitting himself on the edge of the tub.

Taking the cup I kinda squat over the toilet praying I don't accidentally miss the cup or something, I literally just showered I don't want to have to again. This is so awkward. 

"These thing's should really be designed better," Christian comments seeing my minor struggle, "Like girls don't have dicks they can't just pee on anything."

"I appreciate you being involved and your concern but please shut the fuck up," I tell him laughing a little. 

"Okay," He says not saying anything for a second, "Shouldn't you be used to this by now? Aren't you still getting piss tested like once a week?"

"There's a thing that just sits in the toilet for that, and it's been more like once every other month now," I say laughing a little, "Again, please shut up."

Once I finally get it going Christian feels compelled to say, "There we go, now we're talking." 

I have to force myself not to laugh to avoid any casualties before I finish and set the cup up on the counter by the sink. "You're lucky I didn't misfire is all I'm gonna say," I tell him pointing a finger at him opening the first test out of its pink packaging. "This one is I guess only five seconds, the blue one is fifteen then the confirmation one is fifteen."  

"You just hold it in the pee then?" Christian asks as I take the cap off the first test and dip it in. I nod in response as I count to five in my head before pulling it out and putting the little cap on it setting it to the side as Christian unwraps the blue one. He dips it in and we both count the fifteen seconds in our head. He takes it out as I hit fifteen and puts the cap back on it, "How long do we have to wait to know?" 

"Three minutes," I respond washing my hands. I dry them on one of our hand towels before sitting on the edge of the tub and thinking more about it, "I really don't want a kid right now Christian." 

He looks incredibly sympathetic as he dries his hands and comes and sits next to me wrapping his arm around me, "I know, and that's okay. Neither of us are in a position where we could swing it without having to have someone watch it for the first few years of its life. I don't think either of us really wants that. Like I said, let's not stress about it until we know we have to, and then we can talk about what's best for us."

I nod a little agreeing with him as I rest my head on his shoulder, "You'd be okay with it if I didn't want to keep it?" 

Christian sighs a little, "I mean, like I said we'd talk about it if it's a real thing. Like it's easy to say yes right now because it's not completely real. We're both more than aware that right now is not the right time but I think if it was something that we really had to talk about and decide, I don't know that either of us would be able to go through with just getting rid of it." 

"You're probably right which makes this that much scarier right now," I say, it's my turn to sigh over this whole thing, "I love you." 

Christian squeezes me a little running his hand up and down my arm, "I love you, JJ." 

The two of us just sit with each other on the edge of the tub for the next minute and a half while we wait for the results to pop up clearly on the test. I don't know if ninety seconds could've felt longer if it wanted to. I stand up and grab the two tests, "Oh thank god." I hand the two tests to Christian so he can see the negative result for himself he laughs a little seeing them before giving them back. 

"Well, that was a great way to have me shitting my pants for the last hour," Christian comments shaking his head a little fluffing up some of his hair as he stands. He wraps his arms tightly around my shoulders, "We should probably get ready to head out with Carly and Cody, we wouldn't want to miss that."

 I laugh shaking my head as we break away from each other, "I think that's on you, all I've got to do is get dressed now." 

"Well look at you," Christian says sassily making me laugh as we leave the bathroom and I head into our closet to grab an outfit for tonight. Shuffling through the abundance of clothing at my disposal I find a spaghetti-strapped Chanel bodysuit with the logo adorning the straps and one small one in the middle of the chest. I slip into it before grabbing a pair of skinny jeans and a thin Gucci belt. God, I'm a walking subtle flex tonight huh? 

I'm bending to reach and grab a pair of black over the knee boots when Christian comes in, "So, do we have to go tonight or can we stay here and I'll actually put a baby in you?" 

(lowkey, this is one of my favorite chapters lmao also please don't hate me ahha at least I made it funny for you! I didn't realize how many of y'all REALLY want them to have a kid xD Just keep in mind what's right for THEM and what works and make sense in the stories progression right now!)

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