You Getting Jealous Yet?

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(Since I'm ahead again and y'all weren't very happy with the test's outcome here's another update :P)
FWB last I looked is less than 30 votes from 2K which is insane to me so if you wanna help me reach that it'd be super appreciated, I'm not too worried about it though and just hope you enjoy the rest of the story!!) 


Carly and I cling to each other tightly seeing each other for the first time now since August, "Oh my god I fucking missed you!"

"I know," I practically yell back, "Girl we need to get some shots, today has been wild."

"Already ahead of you!" Carly responds pulling the four shots she'd ordered over closer to the edge, "I figured we should wait for Cody though, did you guys drive?"

"Nah, we uber'd," Christian responds holding his arms under mine around my waist holding me from behind. "No Beli yet?"

"Not that I've seen no," Carly says shaking her head her long slicked-back ponytail and hoops swinging along with it. "It's all good though cause I've got my main squeeze back," Carly winks at me and I make a kissy face at her.

"CB's got no clue what's coming for him with you two," Christian says laughing. "How've you been Carly? Did you puke as much as JJ after your Championship party?"

Carly howls with laughter, "Yeli, I couldn't tell you shit that happened that whole week."

"What week?" Cody asks finally showing up.

"The week my wife and I became five-time world champions," Carly says holding her hand out for me to do our little handshake, "Thank god you're finally here I got us all shots."

"Of what?" Cody asks as Carly hands them all out to us.

"Well take it and find out Beli," Carly says as her and I throw ours back, she would pick straight Tequila to start us off. Both of us laugh a little when Cody coughs slightly probably not expecting it right away. "Oh shit, how can we work if you can't hang?" Carly teases making Christian laugh loudly as I chuckle not wanting to be a dick.

"If I was expecting straight Tequila I'd have held it just fine, let's get another round and see who hangs better," Oh god what did Christian and I facilitate. Cody calls the bartender over who of course knows him being an MVP winning member of this cities team. They go back and forth a second as Carly watches before leaning to the side out of Cody's view and giving me the little okay hand signal making Christian and I laugh. This is either going to go so well or it's going to crash and burn.

"Alright, here we go," Cody says handing out the next round. We all pound them back damn this shit is strong. "Fucking nothing phases your ass Jailyn." I just shrug a little chuckling.

"Bro," Carly says coughing once, "That's why she's my wife. What was that one, shit was strong." 

"Mix of Jager, Goldschlager, and Rumple Minze, dude said it was the strongest shot they serve," Cody laughs. 

"So Beli," Carly starts, "How's it feel being the only one in the group not currently holding a World Championship title." 

I almost choke as I start laughing trying to refrain from being too loud not wanting to be rude as Christian loses it behind me as well. Fucking hell Carly eat his ass right up. 

"I've got one still, should have two but we won't go there," Cody says nodding back at her with a hint of sass. Ah yes, the 2017 Huston Asterisks. 

"That's cute, I've got five," Carly says giving him a wink, "None of them on technicalities." 


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