Yeli's Getting Bored.

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As I'm typing out one of my first assignments back, Christian comes back downstairs, still on the phone with what I can only assume is our lawyer. The two of them have been talking every couple of days for the last two weeks since Shelby's tell-all aired. At least as far as I know. Christian's had a couple of series outside Milwaukee, but he's sent me the updates as he's gotten them.

"Alright, I will let JJ know. Thanks, Johnathan," Christian says, the phone call seeming to end with that. Glancing up over my laptop, Christian lets his hand rest on my knee, "Anything that Shelby says on the show is getting cut, they're not allowing her one on one be aired again and streaming has an edited cut."

"That's all?" I ask, "I mean obviously that's fine, but it's that easy?"

Christian nods, "Yeah, everyone on their side knows they'd never win that case. The only other thing is that you're supposed to delete your tweets and we're not allowed to talk about it anymore."

"That's no fun," I joke, making Christian chuckle, "I think I can manage that."

"Good," Christian adds while I grab my phone to remove the couple of tweets from that night. "What are you up to?"

"Finishing out my degree," I reply, looking back to the screen in front of me.

"No, seriously?" Christian asks, seemingly not believing me.

It's impossible not to laugh as I turn my laptop towards him to prove it, "I figure I don't have much else going for me in the next couple of months, why not finish?"

Christian rolls his eyes, a small smile on his face, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Cause I figured that you're gone enough you wouldn't even notice," I reply, setting my laptop back on my lap, the screen facing me again. "I only need like sixteen credits to graduate."

"You were seriously that close?" Christian asks, still almost surprised that I'm doing this.

"I mean," I shrug, "Yeah. We met right after my freshman year. Then you knew me through my sophomore year and we lived together as I was finishing my junior year. I always did as much work on my plane trips as I could, then you and I weren't spending every waking minute with one another until we were engaged, so I had a good amount of time to get everything done."

"I sort of just figured you dropped your sophomore year," Christian replies, "That's when I would've in your position. Everything was starting to take off for you. You had your Adidas and DeMarini deals at that point."

"I'd also had a pretty major injury that no one was a hundred percent sure if I'd bounce back from," I point out. "My offers at that time were pretty tentative on me being able to play again. Until I was cleared from my Achilles, there was no official pen to paper, I'm getting paid moment. Then after that, I was already enrolled for my spring classes so I just finished out that year."

"How didn't I know this?" Christian asks, still somehow confused about the whole thing.

Snorting, I laugh remembering what else was going on that spring semester, "Cause you were being a dumbass with a bitch who can no longer be named." Christian rolls his eyes, a smile planted firmly on his face as I commit to following our new rule even in the privacy of our own home. "Apart from the LA overlap, we didn't see each other for more than like a week of that spring semester."

"I guess," He agrees, still thinking about the whole thing.

Giggling to myself a moment, I comment, "Don't strain yourself thinking about it, it's not that big of a deal."

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