Well Yeah, That's The Fun Part.

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"You still a no on the whole kid's thing?" Larisa asks as we sit out on her and Ryans back patio watching as Ryan and Christian run around with the youngest of their four kids. Christian pulls their four-year-old up and holds her up in the air her loud giggles completely infectious along with that massive smile Christian has.

I shake my head a little laughing, "Is that why you guys invited us over? To push a baby on us since you guys don't want another?"

"No, not inherently," Larisa responds laughing with me, "It's been a while since we've seen and hung out with you guys since Ry retired. Any baby implications are just happy coincidences."

"Is that it?" I ask still chuckling, "I'm not as firm of a no as I have been. Seeing Christian with Izzy does make me think about it a little more than just, nows not the time."

"So my plan to get another baby around is working," She teases making me scoff a little, "When would the time be do you think?"

With a shrug, I kinda shake my head, "I don't know, Christian has three more years on his contract. I've got another Olympics season coming up in two years, with all of that I can't imagine adding a baby into it and having to have to sacrifice all of that. The most serious time frame for me to get pregnant and have a baby would be after the Olympic season. We're not even getting a dog because of our schedules even though both of us would love to have one, let alone a baby."

"You've like thought about having kids though?"

"Of course I have," I say looking down, "Relatively soon after Christian and I got back from our honeymoon I thought I might have been pregnant for about an hour before postmates delivered the tests. I definitely wasn't disappointed when it came back negative but I obviously thought about what could happen. Then obviously everyone knows about our whole ectopic," I say letting out a little sigh as I say it, "I still think about it a lot though. They would've been five right now. Like I don't know what I would've done in that situation had I actually been pregnant and it actually been viable. That's the part that fucks with me the most is just the complete lack of any choice at the time. Even if I would have decided that I didn't want to have a kid at that time it doesn't really take away from the fact that I had no say in what happened. It just left a lot of possibilities and what if's on the table, which in turn left me with way too much to try and figure out in my head."

Larisa nods with a small almost sympathetic smile, "Well if it's any consolation, you and Christian would literally be the best parents if and when you get to that point. I'm not trying to push it on you or anything just kinda interested to see where you're at with it all right now. Given both yours and Christians careers, it isn't just an easy yes let's do it decision especially when both of you are as successful as you are." I nod in agreement with her, "Humor me, if you two did have a kid would you want it to be a boy or girl?"

I laugh, "A boy so he can break all of Christians records and I can keep all of mine." Larisa laughs loudly at my response getting the attention of Christian and Ryan. They're both chuckling a little between themselves with Izzy all the way up on Christians shoulders holding onto the top of his head pushing his hair down a little onto his forehead, as she giggles loudly. Smiling slightly I give them a small wave. Crazy to think that in a few years what I'm seeing now isn't as far from reality as I once believed it to be.

"Hey come'ere," I say patting the part of our love seat I'm not sitting on as Christian comes in the living room again. He pops the rest of whatever he was eating in his mouth before picking my legs up making me laugh as he sits down under them.

"What's up sweetcheeks," he says looking at me with a grin.

I laugh a little, "Sweetcheeks? When'd you start calling me that now?"

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