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"Don't try to miss me, not even just a bit
So don't, just don't"



"Can't you do anything right?!"

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"You're supposed to be the luckiest guy in the world! But you couldn't save Y/N?!" Namjoon shouted, penting out his anger at the red haired hero who was busy setting up the table for lunch along with the maids and butlers.

Namjoon had just came back from his fight with Jungkook but clearly, that wasn't enough to feed his starving anger.

"My powers don't work like that! Don't get me wrong, it sucks but the luck gods-"

"Oh shut up about the luck gods- they don't exist! You are responsible for your actions! Not some made up beings that you worship!" The ice hero was now fully in the dining room, his veins popping out of his neck from all the screaming and stress.

Hoseok could tell that the other just needed someone to blame, he needed a valid reason as to why he couldn't save you or Yoongi.

He needed to somehow function as a human being.

"... look, Namjoon. We're all stressed and angry too about losing them but what could we have done? We were surrounded and both of them left on their own accord..." throughout the speech, the blonde could only grit his teeth harder.

"You think they left to join the bad side because they wanted to? Tch, are you out of your damn mind?!" He bellowed, making Hoseok wince back slightly.

"They were obviously controlled to go with them! They were probably calling out for help inside and we were powerless!... I was powerless..." his shoulders slumped and he leaned against the table with his arms supporting him up.

The lucky hero had no words.

His powers were always powerful, that was no lie. But that was only because his powers had control over him.

It was never Hoseok who held the reins, but Jhope.

"They weren't controlled to go" Jin's voice filled the dining room, making the two heroes look over at the entry way.

"What do you mean? That's impossible!" Namjoon stated with a low growl to his voice, not liking the way that the two people were dishonouring you and Yoongi.

"...Phantom was asking both of them to come. Why would he do that if he was going to control them anyway?" He had got him there.

True, Namjoon did think for a second that the both of you left because you had wanted to but that quickly was erased since he had his full trust in the both of you.

But now...

"...if they did go because they wanted to... it must have been for a good reason...surely" at this point, the blonde didn't even sound too sure himself.

"It doesn't matter whether they left for a good reason or not" a new voice spoke up once again, making the three heroes turn to see none other than the hero council president himself.


However, he wasn't alone as two other people stood behind him. One of them had looked like she had been crying for days, clearly having a rough time and not taking care of herself.

"Myunghee..." Hoseok breathed out in shock, never seeing his trainer in such a state such as this before.

The sight of the boys in front of her had reminded the woman once more that you were truly gone.

Her lips quivered as she tried to compose herself by looking away momentarily.

Jaeho frowned at the vulnerable trainer before reaching over to pat her back soothingly.

"...Y/N... i-is... really gone?" The heroes couldn't look at her in the eye, guilt already washing over them that they might have been able to do something more to save you and Yoongi.

Once that she noticed that no one was answering her, anger quickly took over as she ran over to Namjoon and grabbed him by his shirt collar, making him look at her with wide eyes.

"What were you doing?! Why didn't you stop her?!" She screamed, allowing her tears stream out while shaking the other as much as she could.

Namjoon allowed her to take it out on him, knowing fully well how it must be feeling to see you go and not being able to do anything to get you back.

"You guys were right there! She could have been saved! Y/N c-could be-..." it was no longer anger speaking but sadness instead. Myunghee stopped shaking the ice hero before allowing her head to fall and land on his chest, crying out her heart and soul for your return.

"...I'm... so sorry-"

"Don't say sorry!" Her head whipped up before glaring at Namjoon.

"You can't say sorry!...

...because you guys are going to bring her back!"


A/n: *sniffle* 🥺

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