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"maybe I'm no hero
No star, no idol"

- Mia Vaile


"Felix! Please! I just need to see him!" You yelled after the Earth villain who was returning back to his make shift lab located on the other side of the abandoned theatre.

The rose haired male sighed, already annoyed by your repetitive pleas.

"Look, Y/N- that's your name, right? You're asking me to see him like I'm the one who's holding him captive. I don't want get involved between you and Phantom" he explained after turning around and forcing you to stop in the middle of the unstable hallway.

"...but you are holding him captive!" This made the older raise his brows in surprise.

"You have the choice to set him free with your abilities- which means you're keeping him down there by choice!" You argued, trying your very best to persuade Felix to let you at least see Hoseok.

The elemental crossed his arms before looking you up and down.

"...why are you talking to me so informally? You do realise that I'm the enemy" gulping at his change in demeanor, you made sure not to back down.

"...b-because, you're a doctor which means you have good intentions..." the other looked at you with amused eyes before leaning down to get closer to you.

"I was a doctor" and with that, he booped your nose playfully before walking off in the opposite direction.

You reached over to the place he touched with an annoyed expression painted on your face.

"...that's it... plan B it is"

-----------------30 minutes later----------------

"...so, Phantom told you to go down to the cellars?" Mun asked warily while playing with his long moustache.

You hadn't noticed it before but he looked a lot like Luigi.

Like, practically identical.

"Err, yeah. Phantom's orders..." you stammered out unconvincingly. Mun squinted his eyes at you while he sat in his old wooden chair near the window.

The room was filled to the brim with piles upon piles of books.

They looked old but there was no dust or sign that they had been there for long.

By glancing at the book in his hand, you came to the conclusion that the portal villain had read them all.

"...sorry, but if I don't get the orders from Phantom himself-"

"But what about his bride?" You intercepted without thinking, the need to use any excuse to see Hoseok deemed fitting at this moment.

Mun raised his brow in amusement.

"Oh? Using the bride card are we?" You sighed in defeat once you knew that the portal villain wasn't going to budge. That was until a new voice spoke up from behind you.

"Mun, Phantom has allowed it" turning around, you saw Hyungwon standing in the doorway with his hands to his sides and a small smile etched on his face.


"He has requested me to question the hero about their next course of action and needs Y/N to persuade him to talk" the male with a funky looking moustache eyed the both of you, not sure if he should trust either of you.

Who We Are BOOK 3: UNTOLD TRUTHS ✔Where stories live. Discover now