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"When i need a healing, i just look up to the ceiling
I see the sun coming down i know its all better now"

- Flo Rida


"Arms up!"

"I know!" You yelled before swinging your fist at the younger who easily dodged.

"Pfft! What a loser" Jungkook mocked before grabbing you in a head lock and knocking the air out of your lungs.

"Gah! Ugh!" You choked out while trying to pry his arms off of you. The sun had set a long time ago and while the other's had retreated back inside to eat their dinner, you were still wanting to improve on your hand to hand combat and Jungkook had offered to help.

Big mistake.

"Are you even trying, Y/N? Tch, my little cousin can do better than- woah!" in a swift motion, you jerked your leg in between his and knocked his leg to the side, making him fall backwards along with you.

The force had allowed his arms to be loose around you and not even a second later did you free yourself and placed your foot on his chest to keep him down.

I...did it!, you thought while mentally having a victory dance. While you were celebrating on your own, Jungkook was gazing at you in awe as you became more amazing in his eyes.

He was smittened by you.

With his left arm, he wrapped it around your leg that was pushing him down and knocked it off the side, catching you off guard and you soon came falling down on top of him.

"Oof! Ow..." you winced before opening your eyes only to be met with his brown ones.

This wasn't your first time being so close the younger but, this time it had felt a little different.

His eyes were much softer and the crinkles in the sides of his eyes were never there before.

"...Y/N?" He whispered, making you shiver from his husky voice.

"...Yes, Jungkook?" Before he could say or do anything, a branch had reached over towards the both of you and proceeded to remove you from the love struck hero who tried to pull you back but the force was too overbearing.


"Stupid mother nature! When will you ever leave me alone?!" The copy hero cursed out to the sky where he would imagine for the mythical being to be.

The branch had taken you to the balcony of your room on the third floor and gently placed you down.

However, instead of the usual head pet you would receive from Mother nature, the branch had left without doing anything else.

Looking quizzical, you decided to shrug it off before heading inside and joining the others for dinner.

Outside still, Jungkook had kicked the ground in frustration, seeing that he was so close to getting even closer to you but once again, the world was against him.

Unbeknownst to him, it wasn't Mother nature's fault.

A certain plant hero had been standing on the porch and watching everything with a close eye.

"Sorry, Jungkook..." he muttered before lifting the ring up in the air and looking at it closely.

"...but I've got a ring with her name on it"


A/n: oh wow-

Who We Are BOOK 3: UNTOLD TRUTHS ✔Where stories live. Discover now