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"I said, hey girl, hey girl
I'd like to stay here for a while
Just you and I
Far from the places we can't get away from..."

- Stephen


"Hoseok! Please talk to me! What's wrong?! Has Phantom done something?!" You yelled while rattling the cell bars, trying to gain his attention.

The male still refused to look over at you, curling himself more in to a ball.

"...Won, where are the keys?" The curly haired boy simply shrugged, being in the same boat as you as he had never been down here either.

"Ugh, of course you don't know... Hoseok, please, at least look at me. I'm trying to get you out of here!"

"...there's no need" he finally spoke. His voice was hoarse and you could tell that he was tired and cold.

"What? What do you mean?! We gotta get out of here and back to the others!"

"...I can't go back... there's nothing for me to go back to" this made you confused.

"Hoseok... what are you saying right now? Am I even talking to the happy go lucky Jhope that the country loves?" The other clicked his tongue in annoyance before chuckling darkly.

"That person is gone... I'm just Jung Hoseok now... a normal nobody" you were speechless. You had never seen the boy like this, not in the two years that you have known him.

"Actually, I'm wrong... I'm not even normal... I'm a hero who lost his powers"


"Lost your powers?! That doesn't even make sense- that's impossible!" It made no sense whatsoever, there was no one with such power that could erase powers and they certainly weren't one of Phantom's followers.

"...go, I don't want you to see me like this" he ordered, not liking the way you were looking at him behind bars and looking so weak.

Your eyes softened at this. Your views on him didn't change, for you still saw him as Hoseok; a guy who makes other people smile, a guy who never gives up, a guy who would tease you from time to time...

You saw him past his powers.

He was so much more than just a lucky hero.

He was a son.

He was a friend.

He was a hero.

He was Jung Hoseok.

"...there must be some misunderstanding- maybe Phantom made you believe-" suddenly, the sound of a portal opening up filled your ears, making everyone turn and look behind you.

It was the same portal that you had fallen through but instead, you weren't going through it this time. Someone was exiting.

Your eyes widened.

"So, you were here all this time. Secretly meeting up with a guy" Jay spoke lowly while glaring at you and Hyungwon. The poor boy shook in fear, scared of what Phantom might do to him.

You, however, didn't back down from your stance as you stood with confidence and integrity.

"I came down to see my friend that you locked away!" All of a sudden, he grabbed your throat harshly and restricted you of air as you tried to peel his hands off of you.

"Y/N!" Both Hoseok and Hyungwon exclaimed in fear before running over to you.

The red haired hero couldn't travel no further because of the bars but Hyungwon was stopped by an unseen force.

"AHHHH!" He grabbed his head in pain, just like how the two villains did during the ceremony of your introduction.

"W-Won..." you choked out, wanting to do something to stop Phantom from hurting him.

"Let go of Y/N! NOW!" Hoseok yelled while trying to open the bars. This was the first time he couldn't set himself free. The luck Gods usually would have let him out by now...

But just like how Namjoon said, I guess they weren't real afterall.

"The fire! It burns!" Hyungwon yelled, clawing away at his face to stop the feeling from taking over.

"You need to be taught a lesson. Perhaps I've been spoiling you too much" and with that, he threw you in the cell next to Hoseok's before roughly kicking the curly haired boy inside as well.

"Y/N!" The hero ran over to the next set of bars separating the two of you while watching with concerned eyes as you coughed furiously and Hyungwon falling unconscious.

"You need to learn to realise that you are lucky to be here" Phantom scowled before looking up the cell and finally leaving the cellar through the still open portal.

Reaching to your neck, you could feel the finger dents in your skin as you continued to cough.

"Y/N! Ugh! These stupid bars!" Hoseok yelled in anger as he tried to shake the bars to break, which didn't even make them budge.

Once you regained some of your breathing back, you looked over to see Hyungwon laying unconscious, making you crawl over to him to make sure that he was still alive by checking his pulse.

Please Won... don't die because of me!


"Thank Eros..." and just like that, you felt dizzy and soon after blacked out just like the boy next to you.



A/n: so much violence-

Who We Are BOOK 3: UNTOLD TRUTHS ✔Where stories live. Discover now