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"I'm not just broken
I'm beyond repair"

- Winons Oak


It didn't make sense.

You were sure you had seen the ex-villain leave out the back and enter the garden.

However, he was nowhere to be found.

"Gosh, Tae... where did you go?" Walking down the stairs to the garden, you looked around for the blue haired hero.

You wanted to make sure the male was okay. Afterall, it wasn't that long ago when he had wanted to run away from all of this.

He needed to stay.

You wanted him to stay.

You wanted to know more about him and his scars.

Suddenly, a tree branch grew towards you, making you tilt your head in confusion as you searched for the plant user.

Jin was no where to be seen.

"...mother nature?" The branch tickled your chin, making you giggle and push the branch away.

"Haha! What on earth-" you stopped once you notice that the branch was beckoning you over to the opening of the forest where the trees were moving to the side and allowing a path to show itself to you.

Unsure of what was happening, you tried to understand the mythical being's intentions.

"...wait, is Taehyung in there?" The branch twirled into a circle, showing that you were correct.

Your brows were raised in response, amazed to see that mother nature was helping you this way.

"...thank you!" You yelled out after running down the rest of the stairs and dashing over towards the forest.

The trees continued to create a path for you, making it easy for you to know where you were going as you ran through the thick forest.

You made sure to not trip as you sped up, wanting to get to the size shifter before it was too late.

Please, Tae...
we need you to stay...
I want you to stay...

All of a sudden, the trees were no longer opening up and guiding you through the forest no more.

Before you could think of a reason why, you heard the sounds of something hitting a tree over and over again.

Furrowing your brows, you tried to follow where the sound was coming from by going through the forest more.

Once you came close enough, you stood behind a tree while looking at the culprit who made those noises.

A shirtless Taehyung was aggressively punching a tree, making a few leaves fall as he did.

"Tae..." you whispered, wondering why he was doing such a thing to his body. He needed rest. But here he was, damaging his body even further.

Before you could run over to stop him, he stopped punching the hard oak tree and leaned his forehead against it while panting heavily.

A few seconds of him just regaining his breath went past but that quickly changed when he punched the tree once more with the side of his fist.

"...why..." once again, he punched the tree with his head still leaning against it.

"...why..." another punch.

"...WHY?!" His loud voice echoed throughout the forest, scaring nearby animals and birds who flew off.

Your mouth fell agape at his anger. You had never seen him like this before.

That's when you noticed the many cuts on his hands with much blood escaping.

Without thinking, you ran over to him and pulled him away from the beat up tree.

The sudden movement shocked the younger, making him wonder as to how you you knew he was there.

"Y-Y/N?" Grabbing his hands, you glanced over them to see that they had been ruined by the tree.

"...are you crazy?! You need to be back inside and resting!" You yelled in anger, not believing that the male would do this to himself.

Taehyung stammered as he looked away in guilt.

"...I needed to let out some steam"

"Then scream! Cry! Jump around! Anything but hurt yourself!" The other was shocked to say the least. Your outburst really made him look at you and wonder why you were so persistent to help him.

Perhaps you cared enough to help him with this mental health and not just his physical health.

"...what should I do, Y/N?" He sighed out before continuing.

"...I want to trust Jimin... I really want to believe that he didn't lie... but I know for a fact that my father didn't kill the president..." you could tell that his thoughts were eating away at him. You had yet to hear Jimin's side of the story and you made a mental note to go search for him later to talk about it.

"...you can stay here and wallow in confusion, or you can go and find answers" you stated, knowing that you didn't regret going with Jay to get answers that you so desperately wanted.

Taehyung allowed his mouth to fall open at your words, realising that the answer to his problem was so simple yet difficult.

"...you're right... I need answers..." one person came to his mind that he knew would know everything going on in the council.

Sighing in relief that he wasn't going to harm himself any more, you were about to let go of his hands until he grabbed yours instead.

"I should probably thank you..." his smile slowly grew to a knowing smirk as he pulled you closer to him.

Almost instantly, you knew what he was going to do and your heart beat was increasing by the second.

"Tae..." you warned while watching him with cautious eyes as he slowly leaned down to your face.

"So, you're allowed to kiss me but, I can't do the same?" He had got you there.

In the midst of trying to find an excuse, Taehyung's lips were already centimetres away from yours and just as you were about to let him kiss you, green filled your vision.

Confused, you stepped back to see that the nearby branches filled with leaves were covering the male from head to toe by curling themselves around.

"H-HEY! What is going on?!" The younger exclaimed in fear while being lifted in the air by mother nature.

The sight before you made you laugh, finding it funny that mother nature had done such a thing.

Once Taehyung had managed to remove the leaves around his eyes and saw you laughing and smiling, he couldn't help but do the same.


A/n: mother nature! Really?!😭

Mother nature: NOT ON MY WATCH

Who We Are BOOK 3: UNTOLD TRUTHS ✔Where stories live. Discover now