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"Watch this madness, colorful charade
No one can be just like me any way"

- P!NK


"Fatigue?" Namjoon asked the doctor across from him.

The doctor removed her stethoscope from her ears before looking up at everyone.

"Yes, he hasn't been getting enough rest. Don't worry, his vitals are normal and all he needs is a good night's sleep" the heroes sighed in relief after seeing that their friend was going to be okay. You stood in the corner of Taehyung's room and couldn't help yourself but stress. The male's words still echoed in your head and you didn't know what to do.

"...can fatigue make him delirious?" You asked, making everyone look over at you before looking back at the doctor.

"Yes, in extreme cases such as this one, he can be caught in delirium. I've done what I've can and I'll see myself out" the doctor bowed before leaving everyone to the unconscious hero.

The room stayed silent for awhile and everyone tried to process what had happened.

"...I can stay here with him while you guys are at the public announcement" Jungkook offered before sitting where the doctor had been before, looking at his Zeus partner with such worry filled eyes.

"...will that be alright?" Namjoon asked the brunette who nodded confidently.

"I'll make sure he's not alone when he wakes up" Jungkook reassured the others.

It had been a few hours since Taehyung had blacked out and it was nearing the time for everyone to leave.

The heroes (even you) were wearing their hero suits, ready to be on duty and to help with security for the public.

The door opened to reveal Jaeho wearing a suit along with round glasses on his face.

"Guys, its time" the guys looked at one another with uncertainty before sighing in defeat and making their way out.

After much thought, you decided to also leave after giving Taehyung one last glance.

His words were slowly disappearing in your mind after hearing that he was most likely delirious. However, his words didn't completely disappear as you still felt like they had mattered in some way or form.

You closed the door behind you and just as you were about to head over down the stairs, someone was in the way.

"Oh? Hello, Kangjoon" you greeted, surprised to see him since he had been so busy these days.

"Hello. I just came by to see if you were all ready and to check up on poor Taehyung" he smiled. You ah'd in response before scratching the back of your neck apprehensively.

"He just needs rest and will be fine after tomorrow. Sorry that we didn't take care of him better" you felt immense guilt for not checking up on the size shifter more often.

"Don't fret it! Afterall, it's his responsibility to take care of himself" you frowned at this, not really agreeing with him but you didn't want to say otherwise.

"I guess... shall we head out?" You suggested and allowed the other to nod his head in excitement.

"Let's go! I'm excited for what's going to happen today" he expressed while walking alongside you down the stairs.

"It's so strange to hear you say that. You're getting demoted, you know?" The other chuckled at this.

"Yes, that may seem strange but being the president isn't my dream" again with the dream.

"What is your dream?" You asked once again, curious as to what it may be.

"Ah, we're here! Make sure to stay with Jimin at all times. Don't ever lose sight of him" Kangjoon warned, his eyes becoming dark for a moment before returning to their warm brown.

Baffled slightly, you watched as the President walked towards the car that was designated for him, Jimin and Mrs Chae only before finally heading over to the large aircraft that belonged to the Protectors.

"This thing amazes me everytime" Hoseok breathed out before taking photos of the large black aircraft while heading inside, wanting to send the pictures to his parents.

"I may need to ask for the model... and buy one for myself later" Jin stated while inspecting the very expensive aircraft.

"Tch, not with your salary you won't" Namjoon scoffed playfully before entering the vehicle.

"Hey! My birthday is nearing! My parent's will definitely buy me this if I ask!" The plant hero defended while chasing after the Athena Protector who was chuckling to himself at the older's antics.

Yoongi, however, had his arms crossed while walking over to the side of aircraft before kicking it with his foot.

"...pretty sturdy... I might buy one for myself, too" he mumbled before heading inside too.

Looking back at the mansion, your heart ached for the unconscious hero as you let out a tired sigh.

You would have to wait until you came back from the announcement to talk to him again.

"Y/N! Hurry up!" Myunghee called from within the vehicle, beckoning you to hurry up while she fixed her red formal dress.

Nodding your head, you jogged over to the aircraft and entered just like everyone else. Soon, the car in front began moving and the aircraft followed after it, protecting the people inside as it flew over.


A/n: *jaws theme starts playing*

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