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A/n: another long chapter... enjoy?😅

"We meet again" Haru taunted while standing in front of the lightning hero.

Jimin knew this woman all to well.

It was the person who was the cause of your leg injury and for you to be close to dying.

Infuriated was an understatement.

Not long after did they become blurs of colours as they ran around and threw a few punches at super speed.

The thing was, Haru was able to run at the speed of sound.

But Jimin could run at the speed of light.

The lightning hero was a little faster than the speed villain.

However, he wasn't a speed hero.

While the both of them continued to play the game of tag, a few metres away was Jungkook who was busy fighting against the tornado villain from the Azalea festival.

It was difficult to use Jin's powers against the strong villain who used wind to block the plants coming it's way.

"Gah! Stop spinning and fight me!" The girl giggled from within the tornado and instead, she grew the tornado in size.

Suddenly, the ground shook behind the copy hero and large footsteps could be heard running over.

Looking behind him, he was surprised to see a large elephant rampaging over and knocking the tornado off its course and grabbing the girl with its trunk.

"Hey! Let me go, stupid elephant!" Jungkook knew immediately who it was and couldn't stop the grin forming on his face.

"Seonghwa!" The Athena hero tooted back before shaking his head to show that he was right.

More villains showed up around them and they both decided to team up and fight alongside each other while another hero was having trouble a few feet away.

"I see the cuts from last time have healed" the chainsaw villain teased while revving his engines.

Jin clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"You were just lucky. If you touched my face you would have been dead already" the plant hero retorted with a smirk.

"In your dreams!" The villain began running over with his chainsaws by his sides, ready to swing at the hero until the ground beneathe him cracked open, revealing large roots that reached up and grabbed the villains legs.

"What the-!" The roots wrapped themselves around the villain and decided to jam theirselves in to the engines, stopping them from functioning any more.

"Do you want to know something cool? I didn't do any of that" one of the roots came over to Jin and sprouted a rose before nearly placing it in his hair.

"Thanks mother nature! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find villains that are an actual challenge to me" the chainsaw villain stood there in shock as he continued to struggle against the roots.

Further along the path to the building was none other than the lucky hero who was against ten or so villains.

"Why isn't any of our powers working on him?!" A man yelled before stretching his arm over to the red haired hero only for him to somehow lose his balance and miss the hero completely.

"Let me introduce myself! I'm your hope! You're my hope! I'm Jhope!" And just as he finished his introduction, they all began levitating in the air before being spun round really fast to make them dizzy.

Who We Are BOOK 3: UNTOLD TRUTHS ✔Where stories live. Discover now