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"And even if your heart beats next to mine
I feel like it's beating out of the time"

- Torine

"Alright, Yoongi... what do you know?" Namjoon pressed on whilst sitting beside his partner at the meeting table along with everyone else.

The heroes (along with the trainers and Kangjoon) have gathered for another meeting, another update.

With Yoongi now back on their side, it would only make sense for the raven haired hero to give any information that might help with taking down Phantom.

"Do you know their location?" Jaeho persisted before witnessing the injured hero sigh un exasperation.

"Taehyung was right, only Phantom knows where their base is"

"...then tell us about the people we should be worried about first" Jin pointed out, knowing that some of the villains from yesterday were not all that difficult and that there must be villains hiding away for another attack.

"Well, we already have one of them outside. Her name is Haru and she is basically Phantom's shield. If you want to get through to Phantom, you have to get through her" the others nodded, making sure to not forget about it for the future.

"There is also Mun, he's the one who can summon those portals. We should make him our priority to take down first so they won't have a back door to escape to"

"Ugh, those portals annoy me so much" Jungkook groaned from across the table.

"There is also another villain named Felix but I have yet to meet him or know what he can do..." Yoongi sighed out, thinking that he should have done more snooping around while he was at the enemy's base.

"He may be a secret weapon. Be sure to be cautious of him" Jaeho warned from his chair beside the president.

"Which reminds me. Myunghee, have you got the list?" Namjoon requested, confusing Yoongi slightly at what he was referring to.

The trainer reached in to her pocket and took out a neatly folded piece of paper.

"I tried to write down as many weaknesses as I could" she said before sliding the paper over to the leader.

"List? Weaknesses? What is it?" The injured mind controller questioned aloud.

"Your dear leader has came up with a plan to know more about our enemy" Kangjoon explained.

"Yeah, Namjoon told us to only fight villains that we thought might be difficult so that Myunghee can take down their weaknesses for when we have to fight them again" Taehyung said while spinning around in his chair but was stopped by the plant hero who sat beside him and found the action to be annoying.

Impressed, Yoongi turned to face the ice hero who was smiling at him knowingly.

"Athena always has a plan"

"Wait, so does that mean we know about Phantom's weakness?" Jimin asked eagerly, wanting to know if their plan worked.

"Thanks to my Yoongi-bear~ who made Phantom use his powers, I was able to find out his weaknesses" Myunghee cooed at the male who chuckled at the woman once he realised that she didn't change at all.

Namjoon wasted no time in opening up the folded piece of paper before scanning down the list to find Phantom's name.

"...wait, what?" The ice hero couldn't comprehend what he had just read.

"What? What is it? What's his weakness?" Jin urged. The president also waited in anticipation as he too didn't know about his adopted brother's powers much.

"...when he changes people's memories...

...he changes his memories too"

"...what?" Everyone exclaimed in pure confusion.

"Are you meaning to tell me... that its costing his own memories to change others'?" Kangjoon questioned, leaning forward as he did so.

"...the more memories he takes..." Myunghee spoke up, gaining everyone's attention.

"...the more he forgets"



For those who are confused, his powers work like this;

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For those who are confused, his powers work like this;

When Jay removed memories of Taemin from Y/N's mind, he had to remove the same amount of memories from his mind too.

So basically, it's a give and take power...

I hope that makes sense?

Who We Are BOOK 3: UNTOLD TRUTHS ✔Where stories live. Discover now