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"I'll go and burn the stars"

- Massive Vibes


---------------------3 years ago-------------------

"Lee SooWoo!" The crowd of friends and family cheered as they watched the hero trainees receive their certificates

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"Lee SooWoo!" The crowd of friends and family cheered as they watched the hero trainees receive their certificates.

"Cho Kangmin!" All the students lined up with wide grins behind one another as they waited for their name to be called out to go on stage.

One of the students, however, had the biggest, brightest smile out of them all.

He reached up to fix his graduation cap, readying himself for when his name gets called out.

"Jung Hoseok!" The crowd cheered loudly. He was after all, the city's lucky charm and soon enough, the country's.

The lucky hero trainee took a breath in before walking up on the stage, knowing that because of the luck Gods, he wouldn't trip or fall like some of his classmates.

"Congratulations" his teacher praised him while handing the rolled up certificate that was sealed by a black ribbon. Many of the staff found the red haired to be their favourite, always cheering them up and bringing joy to their lessons.

"Thank you" Hoseok bowed in thanks before looking over at the crowd to see his parents and friends waving at him, making him grin from ear to ear.

The ceremony carried on like any other and they had ended it with the traditional caps being thrown in the air.

The students could go find their friends and parents where they would travel back and celebrate for their hard earned degree and for their hero licences.

"My little Jhope! You've done it!" Mrs Jung exclaimed in glee as she opened her arms up to hug her dear son.

Hoseok didn't hesitate to hug his mother back, wanting to share his happiness with anyone he touched.

"I did it! I'm officially a hero! I'm the country's lucky charm!"

"Now now, you haven't even started your first day as an Eros hero" Mr. Jung warned, not wanting his son to get too overly excited for something that didn't happen yet.

"Oh, shut up, honey! Let him have his moment of joy! Now, shall we go celebrate at your favourite ice cream place?" It was hard for the post graduate to refuse his mother's offer.

"Do you even need to ask?" The Jung family laughed before Hoseok spoke up once more.

"I just need to go grab my bag from the locker room- I won't be too long!" He reassured before jogging off towards the locker rooms.

He couldn't stop his smiling even as he ran. His life's dream has come true- and hopefully it was because of his hard work and not because of the luck Gods.

Before joining the hero academy, he did in fact hate his powers. They had always come inbetween him and his friends; somehow ruining their lives or making them jealous to the point of hatred.

Luckily for the red haired, he had made good friends that understood that his powers couldn't be helped with his situation. His friends were mature people who could understand him.

He finally reached the locker room and he didn't need to travel long to find his locker that was numbered seven.

"...he shouldn't have got that certificate"

"Yeah, he didn't even earn it! I had to study so hard for those exams!"

"I bet he didn't even lift a pencil during these past three years" Hoseok recognised these voices, they belonged to his friends.

"And now he's getting his tuition paid by Eros so that he can join their company- ugh! It annoys me so much!" The lucky hero tip toed closer to get a better hearing range. They were clearly talking about him and it broke his heart.

"I say we complain to the higher ups"

"You think that will do anything? His powers will make them do nothing!"

"How about we leech off of him? Maybe he can recommend us to Eros and for us to get our debts paid too?"

"Ooooo, see? Now that's a plan I can work with-" Hoseok couldn't bear with it anymore as he stepped out of hiding, making himself known to the people called 'friends'.


"...how long were you there for?" The male could only sigh, not surprised by the feeling of being hated on because of his powers.

"...I hate my powers too sometimes... I hate that people see me as the lucky hero and not for Jung Hoseok... I'm sorry for causing you guys trouble..." without letting them to speak a word, Hoseok ran out of the locker rooms with his mind racing with thoughts and his heart aching.

I guess he was lucky to see how toxic his friends truly were.


A/n: honestly, jhope deserves the world and more;-;

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