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"There goes my hero...
Watch him as he goes"

- Foo fighters


"Where is Taehyung?" Namjoon asked while sitting near the head of the table along with his team mates (except for the blue haired hero).

"We don't know... he comes back very late at night and leaves practically at the break of dawn" Jin replied from the seat across the ice user.

The group had decided to gather for a meeting and finally get their thoughts together while making a plan to save you and Yoongi.

The group had decided to gather for a meeting and finally get their thoughts together while making a plan to save you and Yoongi

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After what happened yesterday with Myunghee sobbing her heart out, it was a wake up call for everyone. They didn't have time to get sad or angry, they needed to get up on their feet and do something.

But even that was proven difficult with one of their members being missing.

Namjoon sighed.

"We'll have to figure it out without him" the others nodded, not wanting to waste any time.

"Okay, let's just write down what we know" their leader stood up and took the pen for whiteboard where he would make it visually easier for everyone to understand.

"We know that Phantom is the cause" Hoseok spoke up, making Namjoon write it down on the board.

"We also know that they planned this attack beforehand" Jungkook added this time.

"Good, what else?"

"Phantom knows both Y/N and Yoongi" Jin pointed out. While Namjoon was writing this down, he had noticed that Jimin was awfully quiet and staring in to space, as if he wasn't there at all.

"...Jimin?" Everyone looked over at the unmoving male who continued his gaze in to nothingness before feeling a kick from the copy hero who sat in front of him.

"Ah!...?" Jimin immediately rubbed his leg soothingly before noticing that everyone was staring at him with concern.

"Are you okay, Jimin? You seem pretty out of it" the blonde hero analysed, crossing his arms as he did so.

"Like that's not out of the ordinary" Jungkook scoffed out, seeing that this was normal behaviour for the elemental who had stayed in his room for the past week after your and Yoongi's absence.

Jimin looked down in guilt, wanting to help but couldn't stop his thoughts from taking control.

"I'm just... shaken up"

"Well so are we, but we don't have time to day dream when we can figure out a way to save our teammates!" The brunette yelled, furious that the older could even have an excuse for his behaviour.

Jimin had yet to tell them about the fact that he knew their enemy.

If he did tell them, that would mean that he would have to let out the rest of his secrets too.

Which was not what he wanted.

"I'm... sorry"

"Heroes don't say sorry, we do something" Jimin was taken aback at the younger's words, feeling determined now that he will concentrate from now on.

"You're right, I'll focus now"

"Good, so what do you know, Jimin?" And that's when his confidence dwindled.

"I... don't know anything else" he lied. Namjoon grew suspicious of this but he knew there wasn't any time for accusations and making everyone more uncomfortable.

"Okay, what do we need to find out?"

"Their location?"

"The reason why they want to fight?"

"How does the Phantom know both Y/N and Yoongi?" Namjoon quickly jotted them down.

"We need to figure out which one we need to know first-"

"How about Phantom's identity?" The five heroes looked over at the entrance of the meeting room and saw that it was the owner of the house - Kangjoon.

The boys stood up at his entrance, wondering why he had came down.

Jimin bit his lip anxiously, wondering if the president was going to explain to the heroes who Phantom was.

"President..." Namjoon breathed out, a little nervous on how he should be acting.

"I can see you guys are trying your very best to get to the bottom of this. If you'd let me, I can tell you who this Phantom person is" the president noticed the panicked expression coming from Jimin and to calm him down, Kangjoon sent a smile his way.

The heroes looked at each other for confirmation before nodding their head yes.

"Good, may I?" Kangjoon made his way over to the front and gestured for Namjoon to give him the pen, to which he kindly obliged before he and the others sat down.

"The Phantom you all know and have seen is none other than Seo James...

...my adopted brother"


A/n: is it a surprise? Is it not? Well, at least its been cleared up 🤷🏻‍♀️

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