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"Kangjoon?!" The mentioned male wiped the sweat off his forehead before continuing on.

"James... please, stop this! I can help you!" Kangjoon pleaded. Phantom rolled his eyes while tightening his grip on Hyungwon.

"You? Help me? Tch, don't make me laugh, Kangjoon"

"Please, brother... I've done all of this for you... to pay back what I owe" he sighed in guilt, wishing he had known what his father was doing to James in secret.

"We are not brothers! Stop calling me that!"

"You're right... how can you call me your brother when I knew nothing of your suffering... I knew you would come here and try to kill Jimin...this was my only chance to persuade you to come back" Jimin widened his eyes in bewilderment. Kangjoon knew?

"You knew James would come and try to kill me!?" Who could he trust now? His lifelong friend who had helped him through all of this knew he was going to die and didn't tell him.

"That is why I made sure Y/N would accompany you. I knew she would risk her life for you... but I guess Mrs. Chae didn't want to do as she was told and instead risked her life instead" he spoke truthfully, shocking Jimin beyond belief. Kangjoon was going to let another person die and he was okay with it. This was no human.

"...how could you do that... how could you!" This was too much for Jimin to comprehend. His emotions were getting the best of him and he allowed his powers to take control.

He was a walking time bomb.

"...I had to...it was my plan from the very beginning... from the moment you went to Germany"


"I knew something was going to happen to you on the plane back. That's why I told Mr. Chae to go on a mission within that area but it was actually to save you" the idea of Jimin's life being planned out before he could even think about what was to come tomorrow, angered him.

His eyes glowed darkness and he became unrecognisable.

Suddenly, a blue portal appeared on top of Jimin and soon after, a body fell out.

"Woah!" You yelled before luckily landing on your feet in front of Jimin.

The sight of you shocked everyone, wondering where you had came from and why you had appeared through the villain's portal.

During this time, a blur flew past Phantom and removed Hyungwon from his grip before stopping nearby to take a breather.

"...screw...you...Phantom" Haru scowled before lifting her surprised brother over her dislocated shoulder and running off to safety.

You didn't notice the siblings ever being there and you remembered why you had appeared in front of all of them.

"I'm sorry, Jimin" confused, he watched as you placed both hands on his electrified face and pulled him closer before forcing your lips on his. The gesture shocked him but the feeling of your warm lips against his had calmed him and his lightning slowly became white again.

He leaned closer into you, wanting as much comfort as he can get to cute his aching heart and he knew you could help with that.

Felix had told you to make sure that Jimin was away from the villains since they wanted him dead and the lightning user was a walking time bomb of destruction. They needed you to calm him down and quickly.

Finally, you parted him and made sure to see that he had calmed down while trying to calm your racing heart.

Before Jimin could open his eyes from the bliss moment, roots pierced through the ground and grabbed him in order to take him in the opposite direction and towards six people.

"We're here now, Y/N!" Jungkook cheered while holding a dizzy villain by the collar and finally punching them unconscious too.

"What a lucky guy..." Hoseok pouted.

"I won't count this as adultery since we're not married yet" Jin huffed out while manipulating the roots to bring Jimin towards him.

"Hoe about never" Namjoon corrected while rolling his eyes.

"You guys better not argue at a time like this" Yoongi huffed out, tired of the ice king and plant princess bickering.

Taehyung simply smiled in relief, happy to see you were still very much alive and that he wasn't too late.

"...thank Zeus you're okay" you smiled at the sight of everyone, ready to fight when they need to as they faced Phantom himself.

"...Jay... let's stop all of this... you've been cornered" you pleaded, truly wanting all of this to end.

Phantom was seething with anger. The number of villains were decreasing by the second and now he was defenseless.

You were right, he was indeed cornered.

"James... surrender now, everything will be okay" Kangjoon took a step forward and instantly stopped when he realised that he was pointing over to you.

"If any of you come closer, I will erase her memories. All of it" your eyes enlarged in horror.

"You can't! You will destroy yourself!" Kangjoon warned, knowing that if he were to remove your memories, he would lose all of his memories too.

"Tch, like you care. My memories mean nothing to me, but I know for her and for them it means everything" James began to laugh evilly, losing his mind from being cornered.

"Don't you dare-!" Jungkook yelled before being stopped by Hoseok who was scared that Phantom may actually do it.

"You don't believe me?" And that's when you started to feel it. The unbearable pain of your memories slowly diminishing.


"Y/N!" The pain finally stopped and you fell to your knees.

"Her parents have been removed. Who shall I remove next?" James taunted, feeling like he was in control now but his smirk was immediately replaced by a pained expression as he held his head in pain.

His memories were being erased as well.

"Stop! Just stop!" Taehyung begged, unable to accept that this was happening.

Suddenly, another portal appeared behind Phantom and out stepped three people.

The first person you recognised as Felix, his smug smile being the first thing you noticed.

Behind him stepped out the very familiar dark haired Athena ex-Protector.

"S-Sehun?" You called out, confused as to why he was here.

Sehun simply smiled before stepping out of the way for the last person to walk out.

Their warm blonde hair was the first thing you noticed and soon after, their face.

The heroes behind you gasped in shock while Kangjoon couldn't believe his eyes.

James stammered back to see the person who he was sure that he had killed during the Azalea standing right in front of him.


"Sorry for being late"




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