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"I wish I was a rockstar everyday"

- Halflives


"Can't you just stuff her mouth with soil or something?" Jungkook sighed out while rubbing his pained ears.

"I can't believe Namjoon told us to keep an eye on her while they stay inside and figure out a plan to save Y/N and Jhope..." Taehyung huffed out as he sat on the dirt ground while glaring at Haru who was being held up by branches to stop her from reaching the ground and running away.

Of course, everyone would think that this was Jin's doing but it was actually mother nature.

According to the plant hero, mother nature didn't want a dangerous villain anywhere near her precious 'human flower' when he sleeps.

A typical protective mother.

"AHHHH! STUPID TREES!" the duo were impressed by her consistent perseverance. The girl had not stopped trying to set herself free since the moment she came.

"Don't insult the trees or mother nature will-" suddenly, the speed villain was swung around in the air by the same branches that held her up.


"...do that" Taehyung finished his sentence while wincing slightly at the sight.

Fortunately for Haru, she stopped swinging round and slowed down to a halt, her hair became super messy because of it.

"Stupid...tree-" and with that, she finally fell unconscious.

"Yes! Get in!"

"Thank Zeus! I can hear now!" The two cheered after seeing the girl fall limp.

"Now that we don't have anything to do, I'm going back to my search" Taehyung stated while standing up and making his way back inside.

"Wait! Search for what?" Jungkook jogged after the blue haired male, wondering where he was going.

"I need to find a photo" tilting his head, Jungkook decided to press on after entering the living room.

"Photo? Of what?"

"Of Kangjoon when he was younger" this made the younger chuckle.

"Pfft, why? Don't tell me you collect baby photos of everyone-"

"This isn't a joke, Kook. I'm being serious" the shape shifter spoke lowly to show that he wasn't messing around. The copy hero's smile curved the other way once he realised that the older was indeed being serious.

"...then why do you need to find it?" Jungkook watched as Taehyung searched through the shelves of books beside the couches.

"I'm looking for someone and Kangjoon knew him when he was little so there's gotta be a photo of them somewhere" this didn't help clear up Jungkook's thoughts.

"...who are they? Lost family member?" The ex-villain rolled his eyes from the constant questions coming his way.

"Yeah sure, lost family member" he lied, wanting to get the conversation over and done with so that he could continue his search.

Since Jungkook was oblivious, he went along with the excuse and decided to help the older with his search.

With his brown irises, he scanned the room in front of him and suddenly, he was reminded by his childhood of where he would hide his hero photo album.

Striding over to the corner of the fancy, expensive carpet, Jungkook reached down and pulled the carpet back to reveal what he expected to see.

"Hey, Tae! I think I found something cool" the brunette grinned from ear to ear, allowing his troublesome ways to once again take over as he reached down to grab the handle that was attached to the secret door.

Not a second later did Taehyung find himself beside his fellow Zeus hero to see that there was indeed a secret door that lead down to somewhere.

"Taehyung! Jungkook! Where did you guys run off to?!" The sound of Jaeho's voice startled them, leaving them no choice but to return everything to what it was before.

"Hello?! I know you guys are here- oh, there you are" the Athena trainer arrived at the living room to see both Zeus heroes standing suspiciously in the middle of the living room with wide innocent looking smiles.

"...you guys are up to something... but when are you guys not? Come on, the guys are looking for you" Jaeho gestured for them to follow after him.

Both of the young heroes sighed in relief once they realised that they didn't get caught.

"...let's come back another time and check it out"

"You don't have to tell me twice"

"Guys! I hate repeating myself!



A/n: come on guys 🤦‍♀️

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