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"It's hiding in the dark, it's teeth are razor sharp
There's no escape for me, it wants my soul, it wants my heart"

- Skillet


"Right, listen up!" Myunghee yelled to the six males standing in front of her in a straight line.

The heroes and trainers were now outside on the training grounds, even Taehyung who was persuaded (forced) to join them this time round instead of running off to Zeus knows where.

"I'm going to state your strengths and weaknesses. I'm not going to sugar coat it nor care if you think I'm wrong. My powers point out your strengths and weaknesses and that is what I'll do and you guys are responsible on working on them. Am I clear?" The Eros trainer bellowed.


"Good, I'll start off with Jimin. Your strength is your powers, them being in the elemental category should alone be a strength. However, your weakness is your confidence, it's like you don't even know that you're a hero" Jimin looked down in embarrassment, knowing all to well about his weakness.

"Next, Jin. Your strength is day and and your weakness is night. Do I need to elaborate?" Jin pursed his lips in a line before nodding, knowing already that his weakness is darkness.

"Good. Namjoon, your strength is also your elemental powers but your downfall is heat. You need to work on your endurance against fire" he gave a firm nod as a response, determination running through his eyes as he wanted to get stronger.

"Jungkook, your strengths and weaknesses depend on the powers you copy. I want you to get used to the powers of your teammates while also overcoming their weaknesses. You will be the busiest hero here" Jungkook smirked at this, accepting the challenge almost instantly.

"Taehyung, your strength is your quick witted reflexes, but your weakness is endurance. Carry on your training with Jaeho from Jeju" the blue haired hero simply sighed at this as he knew how tiring it was when Jaeho took over his training sessions.

"Finally Hoseok..." Myunghee didn't bother using her powers on the male since her mind would go blank with no strengths or weaknesses about the lucky hero.

"...just work on your hand to hand combat" Hosoek grinned at this, finding himself to be lucky once again.

"Alright, boys. Let's get to it" Jaeho gestured for everyone to spread out and start their morning training.

Taehyung looked around to see if anyone was watching and when saw that they were all going their separate ways, he saw the opportunity and took it.

Well, almost.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Jaeho had grabbed the size shifter by the ear and began pulling him towards the hills of the property.

Jungkook had decided to continue working on Jin's ability and thus followed after the plant manipulator towards the trees.

Namjoon headed back inside where he would head down to the boiler room. He was determined to fight back the heat and endure it.

Hoseok proceeded to make his way over to the gym equipment that will help him increase his muscle mass.

Everyone was busy.

Except for Jimin.

The silver haired hero stood there while scratching the back of his neck in thought, wondering how he should overcome his weakness of lacking the confidence to win a battle.

"Jimin? What are you doing standing there?" Myunghee walked over after noticing that the younger had yet to move from his place.

"...what am I supposed to do? How do I train to work on my confidence?" He spoke his heart out, seeking for any sort of help.

The trainer smiled sadly.

"Oh, Jimin... the only person who can answer that question is you" the other was taken aback but her words didn't help him.

"...remember when Y/N took you out on your first hero mission?" The mentioning of your name stung his heart slightly but it was quickly replaced by warmth from the memory of you helping him to overcome his confidence.

"...yeah, she helped me so much that day..." Myunghee shook her head.

"She actually helped only a little... it was all you, Jimin. You are the one who decided to fight back. You are the one who decided to not run away. You are the one who saved Y/N that day... Just remember that you have the reigns to your decisions and actions and nobody else" Jimin's mind was awaken by her words as was his heart. He had never thought that it was all his doing and his effort that day.

"...thank you, Myunghee..."

"No problem- oh! And don't tell the others that I'm being nice to only you" she winked before walking off to find the others and make sure that they were training.

"...Myunghee!" This made the woman halt in her tracks before turning on her heel to face the elemental.

"...I...we...promise to bring Y/N back!" The trainer's mouth curved to a grin before nodding her thanks to the younger.

"I know you guys will...

...you are the Protectors, afterall"


A/n: oh Jimin 🥺💖

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