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"I don't think I stand a chance
When your feelings never show"

- Mickey Valen


It was finally the next day.

Today, the whole gang was supposed to have healed up and prepared to gather for teamwork exercises.

Well, everyone had imagined that Jimin would be there too... but that obviously wasn't the case.

Scratching your head, you came down the tiled stairs and you passed the second floor as you did so. Which was a mistake on your end as you came face to face with a certain raven haired hero.

Silently, both of you stared at one another with blank expressions but soon after, looking away in embarrassment.

"M-Morning..." you stuttered before mentally face palming yourself at your stutter.

"...Morning" Yoongi replied back quietly before walking past you to go down stairs.

After last night's conversation, it was clear what he had wanted.

You now knew he had feelings for you but he also knew that Namjoon had liked you too. His friendship came first and you respected that- I mean, you would do the same with Myunghee... right?

"Hey, Y/N! You joining us in hero training today?" Jungkook ran over almost immediately after spotting you standing on the white stairs.

The boys were just waking up and getting ready to have breakfast.

"Hm? Oh, yeah... after I get fixed up by the healer of course" the healer that Myunghee called was on their way over and informed the trainer that they would arrive around lunch time.

Jungkook noticed your dazed look and his expression changed to a worried one.

He had thought that it was probably because of Jimin's absence. Sighing in exasperation, he reached over to grab your hand in his, making you look up at him with surprised eyes.

"...it's okay... I'll try and persuade Jimin to come back... scratch that, I will bring him back" furrowing your brows in confusion, you had wondered why he had said such a random thing but you couldn't help feel a little reassured that the younger was still believing in the lightning hero. Their relationship was nothing like it was now and you were content with the way it was now.

"...I'm sure he'll pick the right decision" your lips pursed into a thin smile at the thought of Jimin being cooped away from the others.

Feeling dissatisfied, Jungkook pulled you closer to him and hugged you gently, allowing his arms to comfort you.

Shocked slightly at the action, you couldn't help but melt in his secure arms. It was strange, you usually worried about the brunette and how he would get in to trouble but, it seemed that the tables have turned.

"...don't stress about it too much, okay?" The copy hero asked after releasing his hold on you and squeezing your shoulders reassuringly.

Giving him a toothy smile, you nodded knowing before allowing the other to speak once more.

"Oh, you've got something on your shirt" he said while pointing below your chin. Frowning out of curiosity, you looked down only to feel his finger flick upwards and hit your nose.

"Ow! Hey!"

"See ya!" And just like that, he ran down the stairs while giggling away. Rolling your eyes at his obvious behaviour before chuckling at how you thought he had matured but you had guess not.

Just as you were about to chase after the troublesome Zeus Protector, his partner in crime had exited his room with bags under his eyes and his hair in a mess.

That's when you remembered that you had to heal him this morning.

"Morning Tae! Want me to heal you up real quick right now?" You suggested while taking a step towards the boy.

The sound of your voice had woken him up and his tired eyes widened in horror upon sight of you.

Taken aback at his expression, you immediately became wary of his next actions.

"...Tae?" Without uttering a word, Taehyung bolted back in to his room and closed the door behind him.

Startled at the sudden motion, you dashed over and knocked on the door, worried that he had reconsidered running away.

"Taehyung! Please! Don't run away!" The door refused to budge and you could only assume that the younger had closed the door.

"...I'm tired! I'll join you guys later!" He bellowed from the other side of the door.

He was clearly lying.

"For Zeus' sake, do you think I'm stupid?! Tae, if you don't open this door and explain why you're being like this, I will personally do nothing and bring Myunghee instead" you threatened, knowing that it would work if the scary Eros trainer was involved.

"...no... please, let me be alone" it was barely above a whisper but you had managed to hear it through the wooden door.

He had sounded serious.

Perhaps you should let him have some alone time.

"...okay, but you better be out by lunch time, okay?" You didn't hear a response back but you were certain he had heard you.

Sighing to yourself, you glanced at the door for the last time before heading down to eat breakfast along with the others.

On the other side of the door, Taehyung was leaning against the door while sitting and leaning his head in his palms.

"...what am I going to do?"


A/n: just don't do nothing 😭

Who We Are BOOK 3: UNTOLD TRUTHS ✔Where stories live. Discover now