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"Does she make you feel wanted
Like you've always wanted?"

- Bea Miller


A door in the extremely quiet hallway finally opened, creaking slightly as it did so.

A bundle of blue hair peaked out through the opening and a pair of eyes made sure that the coast was clear.

Taehyung stuck his tongue out in concentration as he made his way out and finally towards the stair case where he would go to Kangjoon's office.

He needed to speak with him.


The book never left his mind for the whole night and he had barely got any sleep because of it.

He didn't know what to do with the information and he could no longer trust the president.

The President who was keeping many secrets for everyone.

Finally, the ex-villain reached the floor that Kangjoon's office was located and proceeded to make his way over and prepare himself for what's about to happen.

Building up the courage, Taehyung knocked on the door and waited for a response of some kind.

"Come in!" He grabbed the handle and twisted it to open the large door. The office was still the same from when he broke in last night (and he had made sure to clean up his mess).

Kangjoon stood proudly against his desk with a red book in his hand as he read quietly before looking up at the male.

"Ah, Taehyung. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Kangjoon greeted sweetly before closing the book in his hands.

Curiously, Taehyung looked at the familiar book only to enlarge his eyes in realisation.

Kangjoon knew.

"...you already know why I'm here" the younger spoke darkly, his eyes becoming shadowed as he glared at the president.

Kangjoon wasn't fazed by this as he placed the book down on his desk and crossed his arms.

"Indeed I do. Sit, we have much to talk about-"

"No! Stop with this act of yours!" He yelled while balling his fists in annoyance.

The older tilted his head at the volume, confused as to why the size shifter was angry.

"But, you were acting all this time too" immediately, Taehyung's mouth fell agape. Kangjoon had known about his facade in front of the others.

"I know you read my book, Taehyung. Actually, I already know that you have read two of them" his jaw clenched at his words.

"You're sick, you know that?!" Kangjoon chuckled at this.

"I may be crazy but everything I do is for the best-"

"You knew that Taemin was going to die?! And you did nothing?!" Before Taehyung left last night, he made sure to read the pages before. Let's just say that even villains would be shocked at this.

The president looked down before smiling sadly.

"He was truly an amazing hero... too bad he lost his life-" having had enough of hearing him speak, the Zeus Protector grabbed the older by the collar and pulled him close to show that he wasn't playing around.

"Why didn't you do anything?! Why didn't you warm him?!" The other grinned wickedly.

"Because, Taehyung, if he didn't die then that would have meant that Jimin couldn't join the Protectors and neither would have Y/N... I need them to achieve my dreams afterall" he couldn't hold it in any longer as Taehyung pulled his fist back and swung at the dark haired male who stumbled from the force and landed on the wall beside him.

"We're just pawns in your sick game... who knows, you might be on the enemy's side" Kangjoon reached up to feel blood dripping from his lips before laughing.

"You throw a mean punch, I'll give you that" regaining his posture, Kangjoon fixed his clothes before continuing.

"And I'm not on the enemy's side, I am trying to save my brother from them before it's too late"

"So why do you need us?! Why do you need to use Y/N and Jimin?!" The other had finally finished fixing his attire and was now wiping away the blood with a napkin from his pocket.

"Because I have seen the future. I need to change it so that it will be to my liking. However, I still don't know why you are here asking me these questions when you could be out there and warning them of the dangers" Taehyung was taken aback at this. Why didn't he warn you and Jimin? Why was he waiting it out?

"...is it because you want to know what happened on the night of Jimin's father's murder?" The knowing smirk on his face indicated that he most certainly knew what happened on that day.

The ex-villain was having a mental battle. Could he trust him that he had information of who was the real murderer?

"...how about this" Kangjoon spoke up while walking behind his desk and taking a seat.

"I will tell you what happened on that night...

...only if you don't tell the others"


A/n: dang, Kangjoon be evil;-;

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