Chapter Fifty-Nine

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You walked to your room with your hands ruffling your hair in frustration. What the hell am I supposed to do? How can I write a plan in one day? This is insane! Feeling stressed, you could feel a headache starting to form. This isn't right... I should have been more prepared for this,... but I guess I couldn't have controlled what happened during these past two weeks... or could I?

I don't know! All I know is that I have a lot to do in a very short amount of time, and I'm struggling to find the strength to do it. I feel so stupid! How could I let this happen? You absentmindedly opened the room to your door and sat down at your desk, hunched over in your chair. Where's my motivation? Why do I feel so apathetic? EERGH! You groaned, rubbing your temples.

"'Ou are a sight for sore eyez," Spy commented. You glanced over to where you heard his voice and saw him leaning against your doorway, arms crossed.

"Gee thanks. I had no clue," you retorted sarcastically. He held his arms up, hands in front of his chest. He sighed through his nose and looked away.

"I'm sorry for zat," he paused and cautiously looked at you. What is he doing? It's not like him to apologize for anything. "Would 'ou like any help? I know ze area better and I can point out what we would need." He cleared his throat as if he usually doesn't talk that long. Your eyes widened in surprise and you giggled to yourself. He raised an eyebrow and frowned slightly, looking offended. "What's so funny?"

"Sorry, I just didn't expect you to offer any help. It didn't seem like you."

"Well, if zat's how 'ou feel, then I revoke my offer." He turned around to leave.

"Wait! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it in a negative way." He paused, foot placed in front of him. He sighed.

"Are 'ou sure?" He tilted his head towards you.


"Zen let's get working." He gave you a sly smile before inviting himself into your room.

Okay. This will be fine. You watched as he smoothly slid onto your bed and crossed his arms, looking down at you. Totally not awkward or crazy at all... wait. What am I thinking? This will be fine if I make it okay. This will be-

"What are 'ou chewing on 'our lip for like zat?" Spy asked dryly, seeming a little disgusted. Your eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh! Sorry, I was just psyching myself out is all..," you trailed off. Do I really do that? You looked up at him. "Do I really do that?" Spy looked away as if he was caught.

"Well... yes. 'Ou do." He shifted back and forth on his seat and recrossed his arms. I must have made it awkward to him..

"Oh...." Spy shook a hand frantically as if trying to keep you from thinking bad about yourself.

"But it was adorab-!" His heart seemed to have stopped or something, because he was frozen in place. You could see the pink rise out of the mask near his eyes. His whole face seemed to blush in embarrassment. Oh shit.

"Well," you laughed slightly. "Thank you, Spy." You saw his chest rise like he was breathing for the first time after he blurted that out. He cleared his throat forcefully and retracted his hand.

"Ah- yes. Not a problem for me- uh, I mean... ugh," he hung his head, resting his gloved hands on his knees. You giggled softly.

"It's alright. You don't have to be embarrassed haha," you smiled at him, and he looked at you gravely. "Uh, I mean, well... I mess up my words all of the time! I guess you're allowed to mess up, too." You gave him a sheepish smile. He snorted.

"Fine, but if 'ou ever say zat happened, it'll be 'our head." He pointed at you menacingly and you rolled your eyes. You pushed his hand away and he made a startled sound. What is going on with him?

"Let's get started, okay?" You turned to your tablet, definitely noticing the fidgeting he did with his tie.

"Ah- ehem! Yes. Letz get to it." He tried to return to his cool nature, and you scoffed slightly. He raised his eyebrows at you again and you looked up at him with an innocent smile. He quickly looked away, causing you to laugh again. "Why must 'ou do zis?" He groaned like a toddler.

"Why are you pretending to be someone you're not?" He looked shocked at your retort.

"I- shut up or I'll leave." You laughed again.

"Yes sir," you teased and he frowned, standing up to leave. "Okay! Okaaay!" You laughed, grabbing at his wrist. "I won't tease you anymore, promise." He looked down at you, looked at your hand on his wrist, and lightly swatted your hand away.

"Fine, but don't do it again."

"Alright I won't. What were your ideas..?"

You and Spy worked for a while afterwards. You decided against teasing him, but then again, it was tempting. As a result, you both came up with a plan that seemed foolproof, at least to the both of you. After reviewing it one last time, you sighed and laid back in your chair.

"Tired from zat?" Spy teased, smirking.

"And here I thought you didn't like teasing," you laughed, sitting back up.

"What can I say, Strategist? I have grown fond of 'ou." He shot straight up, as if he didn't mean to say that. You giggled.

"Awwww he does have a heart!"

"I- ehem. Shut it." He fixed his tie.

"Okaayyy." You thought for a moment. "Can I ask you something that's been bothering me?" Spy was silent. "It's oka-"

"Go for it."

"Oh. Um. Okay..." You chewed your lip. Between his flinches when Scout talks about his dad and the way he tolerates Scout's antics....

"Well? Spit it out!" Spy seemed nervous.

"You... you are Scout's father... aren't you?"

A moment of silence followed. Spy stood up, and walked to the door. Fuck man..

"I'm sorry!" You burst out. "I-It's none of my business, so forget I asked." Spy took in a deep breath, so much that his whole body seemed to shake.

"You are correct. It iz none of 'our business. However, ze answer iz yes. I am. So what?" He was short with you.

"I just felt like you would have made a good dad.."

"To 'ou, maybe, but 'ou don't know me zat well." He sighed and walked out.

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