Chapter Sixty-Four

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It was like a wave of colors danced in your vision. You could feel yourself floating... or being jerked around. Which one was it? It was like you were in a drugged state, reminding you of how you felt while you were getting your wisdom teeth removed. You saw flashes of yellow and blue that looked like building blocks and swerves and hills. It was mesmerizing.

It was when your eyes opened to a harsh light that you left that state. You tried your best not to groan and remember what happened. You let your eyes adjust to the light and was met by blue walls... fuck. You remembered. Shit! You remembered. This was not good at all.

You did your best to appear calm as you scanned the room. You were in a smaller, confined place with supplies all around you. It kind of reminded you of the inside of the Training Facility... but smaller like a closet. You had ropes around your stomach and the back of the chair as well and some tying your arms down onto the armrests. You tried moving your legs in your dazed state, but they were tied to the chair legs as well.

You didn't know how long you were there, struggling to stay awake.

"Oh good. You're conscious," you saw the BLU Spy materialize in front of you. I have to play this as calmly as possible. I don't know what they want.

"I guess so," you gave a weak laugh, throwing the BLU Spy off guard. Good. Get to their weak points. He tugged on his suit and collected himself. "So what am I here for?"

"Izn't it obvious?" You gave him a condescending look.

"No. Not really. I did just get knocked out." The Spy rolled his eyes.

"Look around 'ou. 'Ou're in an interrogation room."

"That's what this is? It looks like a closet." Spy scoffed and pointed a finger at you-


"Spy!" You heard your voice from an intercom above you. You saw a slight, but noticeable change in the BLU Spy's eyes.

"Uh- erhm," he adjusted his tie. "Yes?"

"Why are you letting her distract you?" The tone of the BLU Strategist was... off putting. You watched the Spy pull slightly on his jacket, looking annoyed. What?

"Why do 'ou 'ave an opinion on my turn for ze interrogation?"

"Because you're wasting precious time? It's been hours! Surely the RED team knows where to look for her by now!" Spy rolled his eyes. "Need I remind you-?"

"It doezn't matter! Now go do whatever it is 'ou do. I have more important matterz to attend to." He tugged on his tie, looking pompous as ever. He peered at you, smirking. You weren't sure whether to be nervous or annoyed.

With another beep, the BLU Strategist's voice disappeared.

"Now," the Spy struck a cigarette. "Where were we?" I can't let them know how I feel.

"I believe we were talking about this closet you put me in," you returned the smirk, putting him off guard. You laughed as lightly as you could while watching the surprise form on his face ever so slightly. You tugged against your restraints. "Anyway, what did you want from me again?" The Spy cleared his throat. Keep it light and maybe they'll just let me go.

"You fought as though 'ou knew our weaknesses personally. Seeing as our Strategist cannot do zat, we want to know 'our secrets. Any cooperation will let 'ou go back to 'our base."

"Hm, and if I don't cooperate?" You peered up at him with steady eyes. It isn't fair for them to break the rules... I think. Surely this is a rule. I can't let them know anything. It would give them an unfair advantage, and I'd lose again. No way in hell I'm letting that happen again. My team put in too much work for- You yelped, snapping out of your thoughts as the Spy gave you a cigarette burn on your arm.

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