Chapter Eighty-One

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The doors revealed a large food court with a bustling population of shoppers. Feeling a little overwhelmed, as you hadn't been near this many people in a while, you took in a deep breath.

"So," you started. "Do we stick in groups?"

"Only if ya want to," Scout shrugged.

"It might be best ta," Demo added, and the others nodded, taking glances at you. It made you feel embarrassed for some reason. Why do I feel this way?

You let a small sigh out your nose as you slid your hands into your jacket. Your fingers curled around your knife and your wallet. Supposedly, your first paycheck would come in soon. Maybe it was time to check your bank account.

The others slowly split into groups until it was just you. Great. Now I have to choose. You hated that they did this to you. It was such a relief earlier when Engie just volunteered you to come with him. You took a second to gauge who was with who. Engie with Pyro, Sniper with Spy, Medic with Heavy, Soldier with Demo, and all that was left was Scout. Guess I'm with Scout? You headed towards him.

"Oh no. Not happenin'," Demo shook his head and dragged Scout over to Soldier.

"Hey! What was dat all about?" Scout questioned.

"I don't trust ya to look after 'er." Demo was very poignant with his words. Like I can't look after myself?

"So you're saying you don't trust me?" Scout protested, starting to get upset. That's the second time someone's told him that.

"That's whot I just bloody said!"

"Now listen here-!"

"Boys! We 'ave to get zis going," Spy calmly cut them off.

"Then that settles it. I'm going with the lass," Demo smirked. Your eyes nervously flashed to Medic, who seemed to be staring daggers at Demo. Demo didn't even seem to notice. Scout was about to argue again, but Spy shot him a glare, shutting him up.

"Ugh! Fine. Let's go Soldier...," Scout slouched a little as he walked, Soldier happily marching behind him, oblivious to it all.

The others slowly dispersed, leaving you and Demo alone in the food court of the mall. The roof above was made of glass panels, so the sunlight shone on everything. In the middle of the food court was a carousel of which Demo teased you about riding. You respectfully declined, laughing at his silly walk nudging you over.

You weren't sure how you felt being in a group with Demo. Honestly, it was a little awkward. On one hand you wanted to be by yourself for a bit and experience a mall independently, but on the other hand you knew it was safer to be in a group. I wish I knew the answer to my feelings. This sucks.

"You alright, lass?" Demo snapped you out of your thoughts. You hadn't noticed you were ignoring him.

"Oh, sorry, yeah. I was just figuring out what to do," you nervously chuckled, shifting on your feet while holding your hands to your stomach.

That was when you both heard a train whistle.

"Is that a bloody train?" Demo asked, looking around for it.

"That's what I heard," you shrugged, not really caring too much. Soon enough, a mini mall train passed you two along its route. A moment of silence passed as well between you two.

"Ya know whot we have ta do, right?" Demo peered down at you with a goofy smile. You knew exactly what he wanted.

"You can do it, but I'm not." You laughed. Demo started pouting.

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