Chapter Twenty-Nine

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You watched Scout slowly get more and more frustrated as dinner crept upon the fortress. He kept using the same strategy to defeat the boss of the game, and every time he inevitably failed, he became more angry. This time however, unlike the usual grumblings that slowly got louder, he burst out in frustration.

"What the fuck! This is stupid!" He shouted, standing up and slamming the controller on the floor. Fortunately for him it didn't break, or you'd suspect a certain Texan wouldn't be too happy. You rolled your eyes as he continued on his rant. Heavy looked uncomfortable hearing him shout.

"Scout," you called. No answer. "Scout!" He kept shouting to himself. "Oh my God, Scout!" He looked at you.

"What?" He shouted. You kept your emotions in check, resisting the urge to be just as much of an asshole.

"You're not fighting it right."

"No shit Sherlock! What do ya th-"

"Because you kept using the same moves, hoping that it'd work even after knowing it wouldn't. You allowed yourself to get angry, and it just makes you worse! Just take a break to calm down and try again later with a different strategy." Scout took this in for a moment before scoffing and plopping down on the other couch with his arms folded.

"Fine," he grumbled. You got up and turned the game off for him. Before you could sit back down, Medic rushed into the room agitated and his hair in a disarray.

"Vhat is all zhe shouting for!" He threw his hands up in the air. "I vas trying to vork!"

"Wouldn't you like ta know ya gremlin," Scout muttered, barely loud enough for him to hear.

"Vhat did you say?" Medic threatened as he looked down at Scout, eyes narrowing.

"Yeah, you heard what I said, gremlin," Scout insulted him louder this time. Medic stormed up to him making an angry growl and grabbed him by the throat. While Scout gagged and coughed, Engie walked into the living room to see Heavy trying to pry the doctor off of the flailing Scout.

"What in the Sam hill- Doc!" Engie rushed to help, but could do nothing. Scout was turning blue.

Not wanting to see Scout inappropriately respawn, you rushed up to Medic and forced yourself underhis arms. Medic didn't even notice. You gave his lower stomach a good kick and the doc let go, doubling over in pain. Scout collapsed to the floor, and Pyro clapped like a schoolgirl from the fireplace. Engie and Heavy helped Scout up and patted his head as he regained consciousness. Thankfully, he recovered quickly.

"You lunatic, you nearly killed me!" He shouted at Medic, still taking in large gulps of air.

"And I vould have if a certain Strategist hadn't gotten in zhe vay," Medic grunted, still holding his stomach and glaring at you. You started to fidget with your hands and nervously chuckled despite knowing you were in the right.

"Sorry, Medic...," you apologized. Medic's gaze didn't waver.

"I'm glad she did what she did Doc, even Heavy couldn't pull you off of Scout. We already broke that rule once" Engie criticized, helping Scout back onto the couch.

"Vhatever," Medic stood up straight. You started to calm down. This guy really is a lunatic.

Heavy and Engie sat back down at their places, and Medic sat in your spot. You were disappointed. My butt groove though... how can you even fit between them? It was then that Spy calmly exited the kitchen. He had to have heard everything, right? Why did he not bother to do anything?

"Dinner iz served, you hooligans," he announced and walked back into the kitchen as if not feeling everyone's stares on the back of his head.

Everyone piled into the kitchen, grabbing food on their plate like an assembly line and sat in their respective places. The other mercs emerged from their rooms when they smelled Spy's cooking. After everyone was situated in their seats and comfortable, the conversation really kicked up. You, however, ate in silence like usual.

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