Chapter Twenty-Three

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Everyone was holding small conversations with one another. You were enjoying your sandwich, but Heavy looked underwhelmed by it.

"So," Sniper started, swallowing a bite of his sandwich. "How did your trainin' go?"

"It went well," you responded, taking a sip of your water.

"Yes, leetle girl fights well," Heavy added in, finishing his sandwich.

"That's noice," Sniper concluded, taking another bite.

"What's even betta," Scout said through the food in his mouth. "I got ta finally see da Scout stuff on 'er." You hesitantly nodded.

"Um, yeah. I forgot to show him the first time we practiced, so I made sure this time," you explained. You only received a grumble of responses from your teammates.

Once everyone finished their meal, you went off to your room to check your messages. You closed the door behind you and checked your phone. Your breath caught in your throat when you saw you had one from Mom... and one from Dad. Oh shit oh shit! What did he say? Should I check it? What if I left it in case it's bad and then I won't have- You mentally slapped yourself. Just check it.

You clicked on Mom's message first. Hers had to be more positive than Dad's:

"Hey sweetie! I'm sorry to hear about the crazy schedule, but you're finally being challenged! Do you like the school, though? Are the professors any good? Do you have any friends yet? Do you have a roommate? Do you know when you can visit? I want to know everything! Love you!"

You smiled and texted back:

"I love the school, thanks for letting me go here. How's Dad? The professors have personality, but they aren't mean or anything. I have a friend, and no I don't have a roommate. I don't know when I can visit, but I'll be sure to tell you when I find out. Love you, too."

I don't know how to handle this. I think she's okay, and I'm glad she responded.

You took a breath and clicked on your Father's:

"What did you do? I told you a clear "No" and you left me without even a goodbye! Do you even realize what you did? What you left behind? I want you home, NOW. I don't want to speak with you until you're home. You're lucky I love you and your mother. I'm willing to look past this when you come home and never speak or even mention that school or Teufort ever again."

You read it over again, in shock. I can't go I'm in a contract! ...He does have a point, I did leave behind my whol- NO! I have to explain to him why I can't go!:

"Dad, I can't go back home now. I'm in a binding contract. I miss you, but this school is advanced. I can't even leave it if I wanted to! If I can still talk to everybody and they're fine with it, I should be able to talk to you."

You received an immediate response:

"What did I tell you about contacting me if you won't come home?"

You typed as fast as you could:

"I still want to talk to you! I miss you, but I can't leave!"

But then he blocked your number. The message in red told you your text "Wasn't delivered." It stared at you. No, no he didn't... You felt oncoming tears burn your eyes and your throat as you fought to keep them from falling. You called your dad and the call went straight to voicemail. He did. He really did... The tears fell and stained your clothes.

I can't just go out if I can't control my emotions. I just... I should just get this over with. In defeat, you fell into your pillow and cried.


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