Chapter Thirty-Six

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You woke up still sitting in the chair with a crick in your neck. You tried to stretch the taught muscle out, but it fought back at you, causing stiff pain to blare at the base of your skull. You sighed, stretching through the pain until it felt mildly okay to turn your head. You could feel your eyes droop and felt bags under your eyes.

An air of foggy drowsiness settled around your head. Everything past six inches in your vision became unfocused. You stretched your legs out from where they were pressed against your chest, and they shuddered as you moved them out. Your back felt like hell especially against your shoulders and the sides.

Slightly shifting, you forced yourself to stand up and your vision turned fuzzy like static. Your first thought of that day was "I'm dehydrated." Your mind heavy, you shuffled your way like a creaky elderly woman to your bathroom sink. You stared at yourself in the mirror looking as zombie-like as you felt.

You couldn't think about much as of now, your once much busy mind had slowed to a stop. You rubbed your eyes, and they stung. You couldn't even imagine bothering to take a shower right now. Taking deep breaths through your nose, you felt weighted. The last thing you wanted to do today was train with someone, that being either the drunken Scotsman or the uptight German.

Your skin was pale as a ghost, and your hair was a bird's nest from all of the messing you did with it while trying to do work. You truly looked dead. Honestly, today you felt like moping while listening to sad songs. Human interaction was something you simply didn't want to deal with.

You drank some water from your cup by the sink. It helped wake you up a little, but also welcomed a splitting headache. Is this what hangovers feel like? You closed your eyes, massaging your temples.

"God," you muttered while you sighed yet again. Reluctantly, you splashed water on your face and patted it dry with a towel. Your eyes were half-closed as you realized you didn't even change your clothes from yesterday. You stumbled slightly leaving your bathroom. You fell onto your bed in a sitting position.

You peered almost spitefully at your desk. There you saw the plate of uneaten food. You groaned, another weight resting on your shoulders. You hunched over, making your back scream in pain. You shot straight up and hissed. Reluctantly, you stood up and grabbed the plate.

You glanced at the time on your alarm clock to find that it was about 6:30 in the morning. How early it was only made you want to collapse even more. You felt burnt out, and you couldn't even tell if it was over dramatic or not. You swung open your door and moved like a zombie over to the kitchen.

The hallway was eerily quiet as you shuffled your way out of it into the living room. It was dark, but thankfully not pitch black. You made your way into the kitchen and found the trash can. Dumping your food inside of it, you gingerly set the plate into the sink. There your body decided for now it was done moving around, so you leaned on the counter despite the protest from your back and held your head in your hands.

You were disappointed in yourself, confused, and you weren't sure if you could change that outlook in a way that didn't seem awkward. You stuck yourself in a rut without any help to get you back out. Good going (Y/n). Ya did darn diddly good right there. You couldn't even bother to smile at your own half-assed joke.

You were slowly nodding off, but before you were able to close your eyes, you jolted yourself awake. I should get medicine for my headache, but I don't want to wake Medic. I can't deal with his bull crap today. I'll just sleep it off. You didn't dwell on it and made your way back to your room, shuffling as if your legs were stiff.

You silently opened your door and entered your room, closing it behind you and falling face-first into your sheets. You spent a long time trying to get comfortable, but just when you had it just right, there was a loud knock at your door.

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