Chapter Six

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Abandoning all desire to wait for your group, you walked out of the dining hall.

"Hey hey! Leg press girl," Scout waved at you, headed to where you just left. You gave him an awkward wave, finding more haste to your step. Fighting the urge not to run was harder than you thought. It felt like a tense buzz had entrapt itself through your legs.

"Her name is (Y/n), son!" You heard a smack followed by a yelp after Soldier corrected the guy. You would have thought it was sweet, but right now? I gotta get out of here. Safety in numbers. I need to get my friends, and hopefully they're almost done. "Oh, hello, Spy!"

Shit. He's probably briefing them on what happened. I still don't know if they're trying to get something from me, but there's no way in hell I'm risking that chance.

You rounded the corner to find electric bikes in a pad next to a standard bike rack. They were meant from the university, judging by the coloring and logos. You hopped on, but it asked you for your university card to unlock the electricity aspect. Really? They charge people for that? You huffed and teste the pedals. They moved and had more resistance than regular pedals, but they moved the bike. You took off, trying to gain momentum. Hopefully I'm not breaking this.

You did your best to backtrack through the campus, finding relief as you passed the buildings you entered with the group. You were so close to figuring out where the main center was, where you had split off from your friends. However, with a stroke of luck, you spotted Kathryn and Jamie's group sign. They were headed back. Good. I can beat them there. You cut through parking lots, making sure to head in their group's direction. Thankfully, you saw it.

With some time left to spare, you looked around quickly for another electric bike pad. If I can try not to be rude, I want to put this back somewhere.

"Yo! You rode that here? How do you have an access card?" You turned quickly to face the man talking to you. It was the group leader for Kathryn and Jamie.

"Oh, uh, I'm sorry. I don't have one," You admitted honestly. Please don't make me pay for anything.

"Really?" The guy's face lit up with surprise. "I don't know anybody who can pedal these things for that long. You're pretty strong."

His compliment made you smile sheepishly, but you couldn't ignore the fact that you were quite literally trying to get away from... something.

"Oh, thanks! Do you mind helping me find a place to put this?" You asked him. He laughed.

"I don't mind helping out a girl like you! Here, I'll just take it. We wrapped up already," he gently took the handlebars away from you.

"(Y/n)?" Your head whipped to the sound of your voice being called out.

"So that's your name..." The guy trailed off, talking quietly.

"Kathryn?" You asked, smiling at your friends. Why does she look so serious?

"Where's your group?" She demanded in a tight tone reminiscent of a mother. Ah.

"Oh, uh...." How would I be willing to explain this?

"Ugh, nevermind. Tiana texted and let us know she's almost here." You looked at Kathryn with concern.

"Is something wrong-?"

"Don't give me that look! We only have a few more minutes to finish this tour up in the student shop." Without giving you time to respond, she turned and left for an adjacent building.

"Sorry about that (Y/n), Kathryn's... y'know," Jamie apologized and shifted her gaze to you from Kathryn's disappearing silhouette.

"Yeah, I know," you sighed. "I just wish she was aware of how unnecessarily seriously she takes things. If I didn't know that she acknowledges it, we wouldn't be friends."

"Oh, right...." Jamie turned away from you and looked off. Ugh, right. I need to keep my mouth shut. Who knows how I'm supposed to make new friends if I can't keep my shit together with my current ones?

"Heyaaa!" Tiana, in her own fashion, swooped in just at the right time... as always. You were grateful she could save the day for you, but why can't you do it yourself?

"Tiana!" Jamie quietly cheered, smiling genuinely at her friend.

"I only see two. Where's Kathryn?" Tiana playfully looked around, causing Jamie to laugh. You shifted your weight instead, suddenly overcome with an annoying feeling of awkwardness.

"She's... inside shopping," you answered when Jamie kept quiet.

"Oh! Well, let's just get her because I'm ready to LEAVE!" Tiana laughed and briskly followed where Kathryn went.

Then, you were left in silence with Jamie once again. She's always such a peacekeeper... Instead of trying to speak to her again, you looked away and towards the building. I hope they come out soon.

"-what do 'ou expect me to do? Ze woman left before anything could be done," a horribly familiar voice perked your ears. It's that French guy, Spy. They must mean me. We have to leave. "How am I expected to explain to 'er zat Scout is incompetent?"

"Found her!" The distant voice of Tiana alerted you to her leading Kathryn your way. Okay, good. We just need to dip through the crowd.

"Non. Ze bike iz here, and no, I was not going to ride it. I don't know how she could- Oh.... I see her." Shit!

"Are we ready to go?" You asked your friends, trying not to give away your increasing panic. Kathryn sighed in a way that bordered sounding like a huff.

"Yeah. I just-" Kathryn began.

"Good! Let's go." You cut her off and started speed walking away to your car.

Ignoring the pleas from your friends to slow down, you didn't stop. You were their ride, so they would have to deal with it. Quickly entering your car, you started the engine as they entered. You continued to ignore their complaints as you drove off, looking back more times than you wanted to.

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