Chapter Eighty-Four

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You've gotta be kidding me.

"Yep! Here I am, and I'm just about to go to bed-" you started.

"Oh no yer not! You're gonna explain why ya walked out on us!" Demo ordered. Since when are you my father? Your brows furrowed.

"I thought it was obvious I was upset?" You offered, hoping to find some middle ground.

"Of course it was! Ya worried me!" The sincerity behind his voice made you feel some kind of guilt for worrying him, but at the same time... he caused it.

"I didn't mean to, but you have to be fair in saying you really pushed me to be." You kept your voice as level as you could.

"Lass, I-" Demo stopped himself. "I didn't mean ta, but now I hear you're going on a date? Do ya really think that's a good idea?" Your head tilted slightly.

"Yes? Do I have to remind you I'm not a child?" You crossed your arms.

"No! I... I just want ya ta be safe. I-"

"Ya found 'er Demo?" Engie called from down the hall. Demo cursed under his breath.

"Aye! I did." He called back to the Texan.

"The second time today! What is goin' on with ya lately?" Engie scolded you. You sighed.

"I've needed some privacy lately-"

"And you're going on a date? That can't happen."


"It is completely irrational and-and-"

"Engineer!" He looked at you, shock plain as day on his face. You tried to smile. "I'm going on this date." He scowled.

"Not if I can help it." You fought the urge to simultaneously roll your eyes and widen them in shock. Don't you remember the last time you insisted on something like that?

Without another word, you walked as normally as you could to your room and shut the door behind you. You got ready for bed, and they didn't bother you. You texted Quinn, letting them know the date would be at the mall tomorrow, and they enthusiastically agreed to it.

You fell asleep rather pissed off. Your mood was a rollercoaster without an end. Regardless, you slept soundly perhaps through the guise that you'd be getting back at them. It excited you to finally show them that you were, well, independent. I shouldn't be reliant on them anymore.

The next morning, you go up bright and early. Your plan with Spy was to take Engie's truck right after the battle and change at the mall. You were excited, but you knew this would be a big ordeal to your team to just... take a vehicle. Maybe there's a better way to do this?

Regardless, you got ready and made sure your weapons were in order. You opened your door to find Soldier with his fist raised, looking as though he was about to shout.

"Oh. You're awake," he said, slightly softer than usual.

"Uh, yeah! Guess I'm one-upping you now, huh?" You joked, crossing your arms and leaning against the door frame. Soldier snickered.

"We'll see about that! Let's go get something to eat, Cupcake!" With that, he promptly turned around, finger in the air, and marched towards the kitchen. You followed in a more relaxed manner.

Entering the kitchen, it was... nothing short of awkward, but there was something you couldn't quite name. It was as though there was an elephant in the room, but everyone refused to acknowledge it. You grabbed breakfast and sat at the table... between Sniper and Engie.

Sniper looked at you with a hint of guilt in his face, and seeing as you told him about the date, you figured it was because he told everyone. Engie, on the other hand, kept tilting his head towards you, sending you glances you didn't want to deal with. You elected to ignore him for now, not wanting to give away your master plan, as Spy called it. Demo didn't look much different, but he had something else affecting him. You just couldn't place it.

Eventually, with some casual conversation, your team was briefed on the plan and you all got ready to go.

After arriving, the battle went rather smoothly. The BLU team was a mess. They couldn't capture the first point. You constantly looked for your counterpart, but never found her. Maybe that's why they're such a mess. Unfortunately for her, you didn't care. Once the battle was won, you ran off with Spy as the others collected their spoils.

You hopped into the passenger seat and Spy hopped into the truck, starting it up. Without even buckling yet, he sped off. You couldn't help but giggle at the excitement that bubbled within you. He sent a smirk your way and focused on driving, buckling with one hand.

You safely made it to the mall.

"They've probably caught on. Let us hope they do not know where to go," Spy admitted, hoping out of the truck. You grabbed your clothes and went into the mall to change. Spy waited for you at the truck. It felt nice to be in the mall alone, even if it was just for a brief moment. You headed back out to the truck in your chosen outfit: a cropped black shirt with a flannel opened over it and jean shorts. "You look nice." Spy crossed his arms. You beamed.

"Thank you," you blushed slightly. Spy nodded.

"Well, I will go hide ze truck. 'Ou have fun. I will keep an eye out for zem." You nodded in understanding and headed inside at your meeting place for Quinn.

That's when you saw them, standing right where you both agreed to meet.

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