Chapter Forty-Five

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What did he mean? What's going on? You felt your mind race around in circles, asking the same questions again and again, never ceasing, never putting rest to your endless confusion. Why can't he just tell me what he was thinking? Was he trying to apologize? Why is Engie acting... annoyed? Why is Demo so protective all of the sudden over me? Wait, no, that is actually a good thing... I think.

You could tell Demo was staring at you while you studied the ground, but you couldn't make out any words. You blinked a few times, your eye just having cleared up. Who do I talk to? The thought of trying to have another one-on-one with Engie, Demo, or even Heavy made you feel...awkward in a sense. You couldn't quite seem to name the feeling, but it sat heavy in your chest, twisting and squeezing. Why do I feel this way?

Who do I talk to?

Suddenly, it struck you. You needed someone out of the drama, but...well, just not Spy. It was Sniper. He wouldn't keep your feelings like black mail (you hoped) and he would understand and take you seriously (again, you hoped). The only problem was if he cared to listen to you, and if you would have enough time to? You probably had a solid twenty to twenty-five minutes before dinner was ready. It's been a long day. Either way, you stood up whilst hoping you looked normal. You started walking away.

"Aye! Where do ya think you're goin'?" You heard Demo playfully call after you. Force the smile, you can do it.

"Oh, I'm just going to talk to...Sniper," you said with a smile that felt all to foreign on your lips. Fuck, I messed up! I didn't catch myself before I could come up with a plausible lie. Shifting uncomfortably to face you, Demo's sudden look of concern (which seemed as if it was trying to be covered up) unsettled you.

"Lass, you know you can talk ta me, right?" Why did he have that look on his face? It gave you a jolt of adrenaline. What is wrong with me?

"Of course I do!" You shoved out of your mouth in the most reassuring way you could muster, which wasn't great. Trying to cover myself up isn't goin' so great right now. "We just -um- haven't talked since cleaning the MedBay." Terrible save.

"Ah, well. I'ya don't see anythin' wrong with that, but if ya need anythin', know I'm here, okay? You can trust me." For some reason seeing the sincerity in his face made you want to shrink away from him. Why does that unnerve me so much? Why do I feel as if I should run away? What's wrong with me?

"Of course I will." You didn't sound nearly as certain as you were, and you couldn't help but feel a shot of pain hit your heart when you saw Demo's expression turned downcast. Why am I doing this? How am I doing this?

You tried to think of something that would make him believe you, so you impulsively rushed over to give him a hug. As you wrapped your arms around him, Demo did the same with an air of shaky relief. However, you didn't let it last, so you pulled away and gave him your best smile.

Before turning around to leave, you saw him give a small smile back. You could tell he wasn't sure if you were telling him the truth. You turned away before any more questions could be asked and headed down the hallway. I can't do this. What would I even talk about? I have nothing to say and Sniper wouldn't be happy with me barging in on him with nothing to show for it.

"Ya know, sometimes I worry about you," you heard Demo's voice unusually soft behind you. I worry about me, too... A soft voice spoke through you, but it became overrun. I need to leave the building. I don't know where, but I can't be here. You felt adrenaline coursing through your veins as you felt your feet kick up and start to run. Yet, you controlled yourself for as long as you could. Demo might still see you run, so instead to shakily speed walk towards the MedBay and turn right to go to the Arena. You heard shuffling inside the MedBay, but that only made you walk faster until you were running.

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