Chapter Sixty-Six

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The doors busted open, revealing the rest of your team.

"DOKTOR!" Heavy announced himself, looking quite frantic. "DID LEETLE GIRL VAKE UP YET?"

"A-yo, calm down Heavy. Her eyes are open. 'Sides, What else would the Doc run all da way here for if she didn't?" Scout cut him off, looking slightly annoyed.

"Because she might 'ave been in trouble during 'er recovery?" Spy waved his hand at Scout, and in return, Scout rolled his eyes. You could hear faint and quick steps heading your way.

"Yeah, sure, whatever, but look at her now! Doc is really somethin'-"

"I'm here!" You heard a woman's voice. You looked up to see Miss Pauling hurriedly rush over to you and Medic.

"Good to see jou Miss Pauling. Did zhe Administrator make zhem avhere of vhat happened?" Medic greeted her cordially.

"Yes. We just got done with a meeting. In short, your boss is not happy."

"What do I do about that?" You cut in, concerned. Miss Pauling shook her head, tapping her foot and looking at her chart.

"Nothing, really. Your boss declared that the last battle doesn't count towards anything and all of the supplies you lost will be replaced." She shrugged and flipped the page, continuing to scan the clipboard.

"Whatcha looking at?" You decided to pry. She took a glance up at you.

"The results from your battle. All things considered... it wasn't terrible."

"Oh. What do they say?" She shook her head.

"It's classified, but I came to check on you. Now that I see you're in good hands...." She took a weary glance at Medic. "I needed to ask a question."

"Go ahead." She tucked the clipboard under her arm, giving you her full attention. She pressed her hands together.

"Your uniform. How did it perform?"

"Do you want my honest opinion?"

"It is especially important right now that you are honest."

"The necklace-bag thing sucks. The BLU Heavy choked me with it and it's a drawstring, so it's hard to open while you're running. I don't really need the kneepads and extra bullets, either. I don't wear them as well as Heavy." You joked a bit towards the end there, but all she did was nod seriously. Is she always like this?

"I see, and how about our choice of weapons for you?" You thought for a moment.

"Well, the rifle is too long for me to get into the range of combat I'm comfortable in and the mace scratches against my leg uncomfortably. I don't see it as a thing I would practically use." She nodded once more. "Why do you ask?"

"Well," she paused, possibly wondering if she should say this. "I was your... designer, if you will, for those things. This was like the demo for what I had planned. I see now I need to come up with something else."

"Is it possible that I could help you with that?" Her eyes widened slightly. She took a moment to consider it.

"If we do it right now, you can." You took a glance at Medic before nodding. "Alright. I can fit that into my schedule. We have about an hour. Think that'll be enough?"

"Oh yeah. That'll be fine."

"Sounds amazing. Now I just need the others -your teammates- to leave."

"Whaaat? Why do we need ta-" Scout protested.

"No, Scout."

"I just don't see tha reason for why we have ta-"

"Because I said so." With a sigh of defeat, Scout left, followed by your teammates. Just Medic was left. Miss Pauling looked at him. "Do you need to monitor her condition?" Medic placed a knuckle to his chin.

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