Chapter Fifty-Two

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You blinked, confused. What do I have to tell you?

"Well?" Engineer snapped. Why do you care?

"Why do you care?" You didn't mean to say it, and it didn't come out the way you wanted it to. It was just a thought you couldn't help but blurt out. Oh shit. Engineer's mouth shifted in a scowl and he let out a frustrated groan.

"What in the sam hill do ya mean 'Why do I care?'" He threw his hand up, having trouble keeping his voice to a whisper. "Last time I checked, you were afraid of him an' now yer doin' this with 'im!"

"Engineer... Do you want to come in? I can explain everything." You were trying your best to keep him calm in fear of disturbing anybody's sleep. Or have someone like Demo come and beat your ass. He clenched his fists and shook his head.

"No, I don't think so. I plan ta talk to ya right out here." He recrossed his arms, but looked stiff.

"O-okay... Do you want to talk in the living room or somewhere away from other people sleeping?" You shut your door behind you, and Engineer took a step back for you.

"No, this won't take long. I want you to tell me what the fuck you were doing with the man ya cried in mah arms about." Okay shithead-no! I will not be angry over this. People are sleeping (Y/n).

"We were watching a movie-"

"Why, damnit? Why?"

"Engineer!" You whisper-shouted and then shook your head, trying not to get riled up.

"Just tell me!" You let out a slow breath and calmed yourself the best you could.

"Look, I'll be honest here. We made up and we're friends now. Does that satisfy you?"

"When did that happen?" Engineer kept staring down at you with an expression that sent chills down your spine. Still, this outburst wasn't cute.

"A while back I suppose.."

"What do ya mean by that?"

"He can get into my dreams, and we made up there. It was just.. at the time, I didn't know it was actually Medic." Engineer looked surprised, but a look of recognition crossed his face.

"So that's what he had me work on. That damn machine." It was your turn to be surprised.

"What do you mean?"

"I said it plainly. I didn't know he'd use it on ya. I should have known!" You could tell he was getting more and more frustrated. He was turning slightly red and the adrenaline rush had his hands clenching his arms with his muscles bulging under his shirt.

"Okay? Do you want me to get him to stop? Why do you care so much about this?" Engineer just clenched his jaw and shook his head. "Please answer me."

He stood still and you felt a pair of eyes studying you up and down. Then, he looked to the left and then to the right. He offered a hand to you. Concerned, you gingerly took it. Immediately, he gripped your hand with too much force causing you to let out a sound of shock and pain. He started leading, or rather pulling, you down the hall.

"Engineer, please, don't squeeze my hand that hard!" You choked out. It felt like your bones were being crushed and your hand was being crumpled.

He glanced back at your pain-stricken face and looked forward. Slowly, he let up on your hand, but still held it uncomfortably tight. He made his way past the MedBay and outside by the Arena. Once there, he let go and went back to crossing his arms. You quickly pulled it to you and started massaging it.

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