Chapter Fifty-Seven

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"Oh, uh, hey Spy," you fell back onto your heels to keep from smacking into him.

"Hello madam. May I interest you in a drink in my study? I have somezhing I wish to show you," Spy gestured down the hall, bowing slightly to better talk to you.

"Uh, sure? I can't stay for long, though" I still have to think of a good plan. What am I doing? I also have to report back to Engie... and apologize to Soldier.

"Splendid! Now if you would follow me..." Spy stood up right and proceeded to strut down the hall towards his room. Not expecting him to walk as fast as he was, you jogged slightly to keep up with him.

"Hey, hey Strats!" Scout bounded towards you. "I heard ya scream 'Cupcake' earlier. What was that abou-"

"Scout," Spy groaned.

"Spy," Scout responded curtly.

"Iz where a reason 'ou must bozher us?"

"Uh. Not really? I just wanted ta see my minion! Waits, dat's not-"

"Protégé?" Spy rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and leaning back.

"Uh... yeah! Sure!" Scout wrapped his arms around your shoulders and grinned. You doubted he knew what protégé meant.

"She most certainly iz not."

"And why not?" Scout pouted in a mocking way.

"'Ou are not who she must look up to."

Scout gasped and put a hand over his chest like a diva, but dropped it for a smug grin.

"I'm so hurt. Do ya know who you're talkin' to?" Scout gloated.

"Unfortunately yes," Spy responded confidently, causing Scout to roll his eyes.

"Well, whatevah you to are doing. I'm comin' with. Can't have Stringbean in a Suit here poisonin' your mind, Strats," Scout turned to you, wiggling his fingers in front of your face. You lightly scoffed and swatted him away.

"'Ou are one to talk." Spy threw on a pompous attitude and turned towards his room.

"Yeah screw you too." Scout snapped back at Spy.

You rolled your eyes as you three entered Spy's room. Immediately, you were met with a wall of cigarette smoke. Unsurprisingly, your lungs did not appreciate this. You hacked and coughed for a few seconds as Scout slapped your back too hard for what was needed. Spy seemed unconcerned, but he still kept an eye on you as he walked over to a projector he had set up. After waving Scout away and regaining your composure, you made your way over to the pull down screen with the words "The Beauty of French" on it. It had 68 slides. Oh dear God.

"Oh, so this was your little 'Master Plan?'" You inquired as Spy turned around with a remote place firmly in his hand. "This was a lot of effort."

"Indeed. I am not a fan of zhe slide-computer thing... and who told 'ou zat?"

"Someone." You shrugged.

"Zat doesn't help me."

"Maybe helping you wasn't my goal." Spy snorted while Scout snickered. "A-anyway. I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I've already chosen the language I'm focusing on." You rubbed the back of your neck.

"You're nervous."

"W-what? No..."

"Just tell me."

"I chose Russian." Spy's eye twitched slightly.

"'OU CHOSE ZE MOZER TONGUE OF ZE FAT MAN?" Spy slapped his face cartoonishly and grumbled to himself, pacing around the room.

"Wait-uh, don't-cha just study English?" Scout asked, looking between you and the Frenchman scolding the Earth.

"Well, yeah, but English and something else," you clarified for him. Just then, you heard purposeful, heavy knocks on the door.

"Merde," Spy groaned. "GO AWAY!" He shouted towards the door, but it opened anyway.

"I heard leetle girl chose my Mother Tongue?" Heavy poked his head in, seemingly trying not to smile in front of Spy. Spy nodded grimly. Heavy smiled at you anyway. "When is time to start?" Is this a good idea..?

"I would like to wait until after the first battle, but we can start soon after that. The program probably starts with the alphabet," you shrugged. Oh, right! "But right now, I really need to get back to planning for our first battle. Spy?" He groaned in response. "Just because I chose Russian, it doesn't mean I'm not willing to learn French as well. You could still teach me, and I'd want you to." He nodded, but waved you three away. "I look forward to your powerpoint later!" You called as you left. You could have sworn you saw a tiny smile. Nah, too dark.

"Welp. Dat was worth my time," Scout stated, shrugging. "I'll talk to ya later, toots. See ya, Heavy." He waved over his shoulder and sauntered to his room.

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