Chapter Eighty-Six

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The moment you stepped out of the truck, Engie was waiting for you with Demo. He stood with his hands on his hips. Demo looked a bit more uncertain, but still obviously upset with you. You sighed and got out of the truck.

"Do I have ta tie you down after every stinkin' battle?" He threw his hands up into the air, voice raising with every word. You paused for a moment.

"That's just it, you don't," you made sure you appeared calm. You could've sworn he rolled his eyes.

"Of course I do! We all know what happened last time-!"

"And that was last time. It's in the past, Engie. No one hopes to have it happen again, but we just..." You paused, sighing. "We can't just live in fear of them. We might win the battles, but that is how we'll lose the war. I don't plan on losing. I made a friend today-"

"I-We're yer friends!" You stopped, understanding. He's jealous.

"Maye I need a friend outside of this base!" You had to control the volume of your voice, catching it. The others were starting to notice your argument and crowd around you.

"Why could ya possibly need that?"

"Are you serious?" You felt your eyes narrow and chose not to cover it up. "Weren't you the one who was there for me when my friends back home ghosted me? How could you possibly not understand that maybe I feel more like myself when I have someone my own age to talk to?" He scoffed. The others started to grumble in agreement with you, except for Demo.

"Lass, we're simply lookin' out for ya. We're tryin' ta do what's best for ya-" Demo started.

"Why can't I be in control of that? I am in control of that! It's not my fault you two are jealous of literally any other relationship I have with someone else!" You took a deep breath to calm down. You felt that your point was made, but when you saw the look on Engie and Demo's face, you started to regret your choice of words.

Before you could apologize, or say just about anything, they turned away from you. You sighed in defeat as they walked away. I did not need this right now.

"Wow Strats, dat was harsh," Scout promptly said as he came up next to you. You groaned.

"Thanks...," you trailed off as Scout shrugged.

"I mean, to be fair, dey were being overdramatic." You nodded.

"I believe Scout has made a point," Spy stood beside you opposite of Scout. "Ze Strategist has already proven she can take care of herself. It iz not any of our jobs to control what she chooses to do."

"Da. Heavy agrees," Heavy nodded.

"It was gettin' a bit much...," Sniper trailed off. The others agreed, minus Medic. He simply gave you a look before following Engie and Demo. You let out a soft sigh.

"Well," you started. "It might be best for me, and us, to just let them cool off for now.... I'm not looking to start anything else." The others mumbled in their agreements.

"Yeah, but uh," Scout wrapped his arm around you. "You gonna tell me about dat person earlier? Did the date go well?" You rolled your eyes, smiling.

"What, need any tips?" Scout scoffed at your offer.

"What? No! I just wanted to know what dey were like is all." You thought for a moment, and realized something.

"Yeah, I mean, I like them and all. I just... I feel like if I can't decide if I should date right now, I probably shouldn't drag them along."

"Dat's... not what I asked, but I'm glad you figured dat out." Scout gave you a mocking thumbs up, and you pushed him away, laughing.

"No, they're really sweet and all." You proceeded to tell Scout some of the things about Quinn, and he nodded.

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