Chapter Twenty

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That night after dinner you were browsing the internet and watching YouTube, procrastinating sleep while still in your merc outfit. You know staying up is unhealthy. This is just a waste of time! Why not just go to sleep? You read the clock, it said 11:09 PM. Eh, I'll go to sleep after this next video. The video said it was thirty-five minutes long.

At about ten minutes into it, you heard what you thought were faint steps moving past your bedroom. What the hell? You quickly put your computer into sleep mode and kept as silent as possible. Sure enough, a pair of footsteps softly walked past your door. When you heard them fade away, you started the video again. Then, right after it finished, the footsteps came back. You barely had time to turn off your computer. You slowly slid into bed just deciding that sleeping in your clothes one night wouldn't hurt anybody. You then fell asleep as exhaustion took over.


You woke up at 6:12 AM the next morning. You didn't get as much sleep as you wanted to have, but you felt awake enough, at least. Why did I let myself stay up last night watching YouTube? What a waste of time! You stared at the ceiling for a moment. It was funny though. You sat up and got out of bed. You took a shower and then you changed into a clean outfit, leaving your weapons there for a bit. It wasn't like you were doing anything with them in your room.

You had a hunch, and decided to open your phone. Your friends were asking where you were, worrying about you and freaking out. You had thirty-two missed calls. Looking through them, the only thing you could conjure in your mind was "Oh crap."

You pulled up a note-taking app on your phone and wrote a long letter to copy and paste to everyone. It took you at least thirty minutes to get to where you liked it and thought it explained enough to your friends. Of course, you would have to answer their questions after, but this will, at least, cut down the time you would have to spend explaining individually. You had to make sure it sounded as if nothing changed, so you tried pretty hard to sound like you were just updating them on the situation. You read over it one last time:

"Hey! I know I've been gone and it's super sudden. I was given a collegiate opportunity that my dad really liked (you know how he is). So, I basically accepted the offer and moved in really quickly. I didn't even have time to tell anybody. I'm really sorry I wasn't able to reach out sooner. I hope everything's okay!"

Lying about my dad feels awful, but at least they'd buy it. Maybe I could have reached out first.... You copied and pasted it to everyone who texted you or called you. Your dad wasn't a person trying to reach out to you, and... it hurt. You don't know if he's disowning you or if your mom is keeping him at bay and calming him. Then it hit you. I forgot to ask what Spy did to Mom! She doesn't act all insane or overly excited! I need answers, but not now.

Almost immediately, Tiana responded:

Tiana: I thought you said you didn't want to go to college??

(Y/n): Yeah, but here we are lol

Tiana: I know your dad is hella pushy, but... I thought you wouldn't let him do that. We talked about how you'd be anxious in a new place on your own.

You stopped, as if everything came to a screeching halt. That's right. That's right. How could I forget?

(Y/n): Yeah! I'm just hoping this can go well, y'know? There's not a whole lot I can do, and I want to try.

Tiana: Okay, but lmk if I can help...

(Y/n): Will do

You put your phone down, not receiving any other texts. Weird for them to just try calling... I miss them, but I signed the contract. It's legally binding, and the Administrator doesn't seem easy to get around.... You had to accept this. At least I have a connection to my friends and family back home.

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