Chapter Fifty-Four

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"Engineer! What are you doing?" You exclaimed, rushing over to him while simultaneously knocking into tables and equipment. Damnit, what do I do? You could feel your heart pound in your ears as you slipped on stray... liquids.

"What I should have done long ago! Now stay out of this!" Engie roared at you, not even glancing your way. Despite flinching at his outburst, this was not the time.

"He's in there!" You leapt up and threw yourself at Engineer's back.

"Exactly what I wanted!" He threw you off with his elbow, using a lot more force you thought he had in him.

The resulting crash into a hard table caused you to cry out in pain. The metal had hit the back of your head and back. Engineer stopped mid-strike and glanced back with a look of shock. However, instead of going to help you, he hardened his expression back to the way it was, tightened his lips, and continued to strike the machine even harder than he had before.

Waves of pain seemed to scream through your whole body, causing you to involuntarily cry. Your limbs were hard to move. It was as if they were pinned to the ground, but you heard Medic bang against the door of the machine. Now is not the time! It was like your whole body fought against you lifting your arms, trying to pull them back to the ground.

Still, you stood up. Wobbling, you nearly collapsed onto a table. Think! Save him! You scanned the area around you as you held yourself up using the same table you were thrown into. Your breathing became harder with each breath. Looking onto the table itself, you saw it. The crossbow. With your free hand, you picked it up and took aim at Engineer. Hit his head. That's your target. You fired.

"AARGH!" Engineer growled in an enraged surprise. He looked back at you holding the crossbow. A large syringe was planted into his right shoulder blade. Missed, and it wasn't enough. He started threateningly charging towards you, and you took the opportunity to fire again. It lodged into his throat. He gasped and started to choke on his own blood.

He fell to his knees with one arm supporting him on the ground and the other clutching the area around the syringe. He looked up at you with fear. Not enough. You fired again into his chest. He tried to gasp, but it sounded more like a gargle. Not. Enough! With an expression made of stone, you took your time aiming. Engineer couldn't move. With a final shot, the syringe pierced through the goggles and passed through his left eye. With a short gargle, Engineer collapsed on the floor dead.

You panted, almost dry-heaving in the process. Emotionally, you couldn't feel anything. I did what I had to do. Knowing that the respawn was close by, you threw yourself to each thing you could lean on in order to reach the machine. You had to do it quickly. Medic's shouts were muffled, but they sounded frantic.

You nearly slipped on Engineer's blood, but you couldn't let yourself do that. You reached the machine and saw the scrap of stiff metal blocking Medic's escape. Of course he put that there. With a grunt of pain and effort, you tugged the metal out and fell back once more from it. You laid on the ground as Medic finally busted out of the crumpled machine.

"(Y/n)!" Medic shouted, dropping to one knee as soon as he spotted you. He looked you up and down, examining the damage dealt. The fear was evident in his eyes. He barely glanced at Engineer's corpse.

"I-" you coughed. "I'm fine, Medic."

"Don't be stupid!" Medic started to scoop you up.

"He's going to re-!"

"Respawn. Yep," you heard Engineer speak calmly from across the room along with the sound of a gun being cocked.

"Vhat are you doing?" Medic growled, his arms tensing under your knees and back where he was going to lift you up.

"Now what does it look like, dumbass?" Engineer drew out, as if making sure Medic could understand each word. Medic clenched his jaw.

"Vhy do you feel zhe need to do it?"

"Simple. I keep you away from her, and everythin' will go back to normal. Just like it should be."

"I don't understand."

"Of course you won't, but it's not like I care. Now, step away from her."

"She needs medical attention!"

"Not right now she doesn't. Step. Away." Medic gingerly let you back down before taking a step away. It was too hard for you to move right now. Why did I lose the crossbow?

"You can't control her. I of all people know zhat." Medic raised his hands up.

"You don't know shit. 'Sides, she'll be fine once she respawns. Then I'll take care of you." Engineer took aim at your forehead, and you braced for the respawn.

"NO!" Medic cried out and tackled him as the sound of the shot rang around the room. The bullet lodged into the wall as the two rolled around on the floor. Both men grunted and shouted words you couldn't discern at each other.

A second, muffled shot could be heard and the scuffling stopped. You tried to see who it was, but you couldn't move your head. Someone stood up and walked towards you. You held your breath, expecting the worst, but it was thankfully Medic who picked you up. Silently, he carried you to a bed and sat you down. You couldn't speak anymore, your tongue couldn't move. What is wrong with me? Medic returned with the medigun and healed you up. You sat up and gasped.

Across the room, Engineer leaned up against the wall with a gut wound. The pistol was left on the ground. He looked as if he was knocked out. Wordlessly, Medic sat the Medigun down and embraced you.

"Zhank you, Strategist."

"I'm so glad you won that." You couldn't help but let out a relieved laugh. He hugged you tighter.

"Me, too."

"What did you do to him?"

"I knocked him out vith his own vrench."

"That's perfect."

"Zhat's vhat I zhought vhen I picked it up."

"I had better aim with the crossbow this time around." You felt Medic tense up.

"Uh, yes. I saw. Through zhe eye? I'll haff to be careful with you." Medic laughed it off and relaxed as he pulled apart. "So. Vhat do jou vant to do vith him?"

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