Chapter Seventy-Eight

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You and Sniper mosied into the kitchen just as Medic was finishing up. You watched as his eyes seemed to study you and Sniper for just a mere second, an indistinguishable expression on his face. You offered a smile, and he only looked away. Great.... You felt your smile falter as Sniper elbowed you.

"Sheila's foirst?" He gestured to the tabletop and let you go first.

"Oh, thank you, Sniper," you laughed slightly and made your way to the kitchen island to grab some waffles.

It seemed to be three for everyone, so you grabbed two. You suddenly weren't feeling as hungry as you hoped. Sniper grabbed his three. In the presence of the syrup, the air changed. You both looked to the syrup, to each other, and then slowly back to the syrup. You lunged for it and lost.

"Stupid lanky arms...," You muttered, fake pouting. It caused Sniper to scoff.

"Lanky arms that won!" He poured a great deal onto his food, as if relishing in his victory. Your eyes searched for Medic against your will, only to find him rolling his eyes as he made his way to his seat. You quickly looked away before you were caught. "Eh, here ya go." He handed you a bottle that was once full and now a quarter empty. You looked in slight confusion at his ocean of syrup on his plate. I can't tell if that's gross or not....

"Thanks..." You trailed off and gently took the bottle. You poured as much as felt satisfactory and sat down next to him. It was then that the others came into the kitchen to eat.

"Well! Ain't this a fine lookin' breakfast," Engie sat his hands on his hips as he entered the kitchen, stopping for a second. He continued before anyone could brush past him and grabbed his waffles. Medic nodded, accepting the compliment without speaking. He sat down next to you, looking from the syrup bottle to Sniper's plate. "I see someone took a likin' to the syrup." He chuckled as Sniper acted offended.

"I'll have ya know that this-" Sniper gestured down to his pool of waffles "-is a work of art!" You giggled slightly as Engie shook his head.

"I don't know about that..." Engie chuckled and then shrugged.

"Yo, who didn't get deir third pancake?" Scout asked and held up the waffle.

"It's a waffle, son..."

"Whatevah. Point still stands."

"It was mine. You can have it," you admitted and Scout did a fist pump.

"Aye! What if I want it?" Demo retorted. You shrugged.

"I don't care who gets it." Demo smirked.

"Give it here, lad. I want it." Scout took a step back as Demo stood up from his seat, hand outstretched expectantly.

"No thanks, pally. I claimed it." Demo shook his head.

"No, I did."

What ensued was a tussle in the middle of the kitchen that Heavy had to break up. You eventually had them split it in half to share, but neither were fully satisfied. Anyway, it was time to go.

"So where are we going?" You pondered, catching up in stride with the tall Sniper.

"I call it the ole' Dustbowl. It's a new style of battleground for ya as well," Sniper peered at you from under his shades, grinning like a madman.

"I see. Well, that sounds fun at least?" You smiled awkwardly, Sniper laughed.

"You'll see, Sheila. When I show ya around, you'll see."

"Who said you were da tour guide Mr. Tall... lanky... string bean?" Scout asked, butting in. He crossed his arms and stood to your other side. Calling people string beans seems to be his go-to insult.

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