Chapter Twenty-One

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"Alright, what happn'd?" Demoman asked.

"Ask zhem," Medic growled, his sight unwavering.

"Care to explain yourselves?" Spy asked, prompting you two to speak as he crossed his arms and leaned back.

"We were in the tower, and I happened to see Medic by the storage building by the track...," you started. "And I took out the sniper rif-"

"Strat, stop. Let me explain it was moi fault," Sniper cut in and you slowly nodded. "I got this terrible idea to have Strategist to use Medic as a target." Some of your teammates looked appalled. "Since it was her foirst time, I really thought she wouldn't get 'im, but she did. Needless to say, we were both confused, but ran for our lives. Medic found us, well, me, hiding in a storage crate. He threatened to skin me alive if I didn't help him find Strategist, who was hiding in another box on the other side of the room."

"I used the noise to get out of the crate and move to the door, but Medic saw me," you started explaining your point of view. "Sniper yelled at me to run and I did. He caught up and grabbed the back of my vest. With pure instinct, I ducked, rolled, and took Medic to the ground. I held him down with the future help of Sniper sitting on his legs and tried to calm him down." You sighed before continuing.

"Then, I finally realized how stupid this all was, how stupid we were being. So, I rolled off and apologized. Sniper and I left him alone for the rest of the time I had with Sniper to train. We got back to the tower and Sniper went through the survival guide for snipers type-thing and we came back," you finished and shifted uncomfortably.

"I'm disappointed in you two. What made ya think that was ever a remotely a good idea?" Engie asked, with mild shock in his voice.

"I have no idea," Sniper answered. "It was moi idea anyway. What we did was rubbish."

"Um, yeah. Like I'd expect maybe from Snipah, but you Strategist? Even I know that's a bad idea," Scout chimed in.

"Strategist didn't even want to do it, I pressured her to, I'm sorry," Sniper tried to cover for you.

"Even if you pressured me to, I still made the decision. It's just as much as my fault as it is yours, possibly more," you told Sniper.

You looked up to face your disappointed teammates. Sniper still had his head down in shame, Engie looked the most disappointed, Scout looked concerned, Soldier was completely silent, and Spy was slowly shaking his head. Pyro sounded confused, Demo was also shaking his head, Heavy had a concerned look, and Medic was still staring you down in silence.

"Well, even though you two seemed to have learned your lesson, killing a teammate is still a serious issue. I believe it's laundry day, so you two get to go around collecting the clothes and cleaning them. Due to tha nature of yer crime, you also get help Medic with whatever he needs to get done," Engie concluded and the others nodded in agreement. You two agreed and left the table to start collecting the clothes.

You grabbed laundry baskets for each other and decided that you'd each do each other's side of the hallway. Thankfully, your teammates put their dirty laundry in small baskets outside of their rooms to keep you from having to go into the rooms and search for the clothes. You didn't put your clothes into the basket, so you went into your room first and put all the clothes into the basket and continued down to Heavy's room.

Picking up his clothes, you kept walking and got Demo's. Then at the last door on your side, you got Scout's. Sniper looked like he got Pyro's, Spy's, and seemed to be having trouble finding his own in his room, so you took Medic's too. Walking back, Sniper came out of his room and got Engie's before joining you to the laundry room.

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