Chapter Ninety-Six

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You took a deep breath before answering.

"Hello?" You asked and heard a man clear his throat in a very familiar way. Yeah, no, it's him.

"Ah, hallo. Is zhis the... Red Strategist?" The BLU Medic whispered your title, causing you to laugh.

"Yeah, it is, and I take it you're my BLU Knight?" He seemed to stammer slightly, causing you to laugh even more.

"Y-Yes. It is. Haff I caught jou at a bad time?" Uh...

"I mean, no. It was actually perfect timing, really. I just got out of the shower." You continued to do your routine as best you could with one hand.

"AH! My a-apologies! Scheisse! I can call jou back-" You cut him off with your laughter again.

"No! It's alright. It's not like you're seeing anything. Besides, this is probably the safest time I could call you. Hard to argue for a reason to snoop on me when I'm doing something like this."

"...R-right. Of course." The conversation went quiet for a bit, so you tried to break the ice.

"So... you missed me that much? I thought it would take you longer to call." You felt yourself smirk as the poor guy jumbled his words. "Hey! I'm just messing with you. I was trying to work up a nerve myself... I'm honestly relieved you called first."

"... You are? I find zhat interesting.... How is zhe celebration over zhere?"

"I wouldn't really know. I'm not a part of it."


"Yeah, but I can guess there's drinking, and poker, and yelling, and drinking..."

"Haha!... I suppose some zhings are the same between our teams." You felt a bit more relaxed to hear him laugh. I was worried he'd hang up suddenly.

"Yeah... how are your's doing? Are they doing okay?"

"Eh, vell, zhey haff resided to zheir rooms for the evening. I am in my lab."

"Yeah... my Medic probably is too."

"Ah... yes..., your Medic... Vhy vould he be in his lab after a win?"

"He's been acting a bit off lately, so I can't imagine he'd want to be annoyed by Scout or something." You left it at that. You weren't sure how detailed you wanted to take your explanation of Medic.

"Zhat iz odd, but not improbable I suppose..."

"Glad someone else thinks so." You both laughed slightly. "I will have to go out soon to avoid suspicion, but I hope you'd want to talk again."

"Vhat? Of course!" You smiled.

"So... do we need nicknames?"

"Uh, vhat?"

"Well, I'm not going to take a shower every time I want to talk to you. Codenames would make it easier to talk in other places. It's safer, too." You stifled a laugh as he began to ramble.

"Z-Zhat makes sense..."

"So, how do you feel about my codename to you being Knight? I feel like it makes sense." You heard him clear his throat on the other side.

"Y-Yes. Zhat vill work.... I vill call you Wunderkerze, if zhat's okay."

"As long as it's not an insult, I don't really mind." You laughed as he started to stammer again. "I have to go, but call me again, yeah?"

"...O-Of course."

"Good-bye, Knight!"

You hung up after you didn't really get a response, but it's okay.

You finished up, getting dressed in your pajamas. You looked back into your call logs and saved the Blu Medic's number under "Knight." It's a silly codename, but hopefully it'll do its job at disguising who he is. Poking your head out of your room, you listened for any commotion down the hall. Unsurprisingly, there still was.

"You-uh, are ya doing good, darlin'?" You jumped as Engie's voice hit your ears. "Woah! Didn't mean ta scare ya." He chuckled at you as you shut the door behind you.

"Haha... yeah. I was just deciding whether or not I should say 'hi,'" you admitted.

"Yeah, well. I don't blame ya. Can't imagine how many bottles Demo's had, and I don't want to." You both laughed.

"Still, I should at least show up. It'll be weird if I don't."

"Maybe, especially after that battle plan of yers. I was impressed they only really got one attack in." You smiled softly at Engie's compliment.

"Thanks, but it mainly worked due to their poor teamwork." Engie smiled and crossed his arms.

"And it's not like their Strategist is of any use, either. We really put out her fire quick." You cringed on the inside.


"Well, did ya still plan to go? I could walk with ya." Snap out of it.

"That'd be nice, thanks Engie." You started walking with him to the living room.

"It's not a problem, sugar."

When you both made it there, Engie got roped into a poker game with Sniper and Heavy. Apparently, they're both trying to beat the Texan who's on a winning streak. You don't think they bet any real money, but someone's pride is on the line, apparently.

You looked around the living room. Spy wasn't there, but it didn't come as a shock that he'd probably be fed up with Demo's drunk ramblings. Speaking of, he looks ready to pass out and is stumbling into the couches. Pyro went and sat by the fireplace, looking mesmerized by the ash clouds he made with a prod. Scout was trying to avoid Soldier, who was also probably drunk and trying to wrestle the poor guy. He'd probably crush the dude. Of course, Medic was probably in his lab, electing not to entertain anyone... It's probably for the best.

Also probably for the best, no one paid any mind to you. This meant you could just... leave. Respectfully, with pleasure.

You headed out of the room without anyone so much as turning their heads. Demo also passed out over the back of the couch, his head mushed into a cushion. It made you smile as you headed out to the training grounds. Really, you wanted to head up into the Sniper tower to watch the sky. At the very least, you wanted to get away from the noise.

Peacefully, you climbed up the tower and sat down on the edge, putting your legs under the rail and resting your arms on it. You rested your head on your hands and watched as the sun slowly set. You didn't have any obsessive thoughts as the world around you darkened. It was just... nice.

The stars revealed themselves as the last of the sun was seen, and you relished the dark. You knew today had gone well, and hopefully, so will tomorrow. A passing thought of "Knight" came to you, and you smiled.

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