Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"You're avake! How do jou feel?" Medic asked, visibly switching into doctor mode while quickly making his way towards you in that uptight way of his.

"Heh, I'm feeling much better now thanks to you, Medic," you moved to get up. As you stood, your vision became black and fuzzy, and you stumbled slightly. You felt hands grab the sides of your arms and sit you back down on the bed as your vision cleared.

"Strategist, you are dehydrated. Try not to move vhile I get jou vater." He briskly walked away and you nodded.

"What time is it?" You called while he left to other side of the MedBay. He didn't answer and instead came back with a small bottle of water.

"It's about 3:30," he answered, grabbing his chart and handing you the bottle. Your eyes widened.

"I was out for that long?" How could I've been asleep for so long? Medic sighed as if he was growing more impatient. He didn't look up from the chart.

"Zhat's vhat I said. You had an irregular sleep pattern over zhe last few days. Jour body was fatigued and jour mind vas in shambles. Put zhat on top of dehydration and everyzhing zhat's happened, quite simply, I'm surprised jou didn't sleep any longer." He flipped a page up and jotted some notes down with a pen. You had already finished your bottle of water and nodded.

"That would explain everything."

"Hm, yes it vould." The pen moved back and forth across the page. You watched the top of it bounce up and down as the doctor wrote something. After a few moments in silence, he sat the chart back down by the bed. Then he pulled up a chair and sat down in front of you. "Did jou sleep vell?" A smile couldn't help but form when you thought about your dream. Medic's brows furrowed.

"Yes, I did. It was the best sleep I've had in a long time if I'm perfectly honest." Medic nodded.

"Vhat vas jour dream about?" Suddenly, much to your surprise, you felt a blush rush to your cheeks. I shouldn't be like this, but it's hard to ignore the fact the person I was talking to in my dream looked like Medic.

"Oh, y'know... It wasn't something I really remember. I just liked feeling rested." Medic didn't move and an uncomfortable silence followed.

He simply stared past you at the wall behind your head. His gaze was stern and he seemed to stare with enough intensity to make a hole in the wall. He didn't move at all, the only thing that distinguished him from a statue was the air conditioning moving wisps of his hair. After what felt like an eternity, his eyes flicked to the unopened water bottle in your hands.

"I need jou to drink zhe vater Strategist," he ordered calmly.

You nodded and tried to quickly open the bottle, but your hands were fidgety and it just made you more embarrassed. Medic didn't say anything and just stared at you while you finished the bottle. When it was empty, you screwed the cap back on and made eye contact with Medic. It was awkward for you, and you knew that it showed in your expression slightly. He reached out a hand and took the bottle from you. He stood up and adjusted his glasses.

"Vell, if jou are feeling better, we should get started on your training soon. However, I know some people vanted to talk to jou, so you should go to jour room now to appease zhem," Medic rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"Ahm, right, sure. Got it. No problem." For some reason you couldn't form a full sentence and just rambled. I'm such an idiot.

Medic raised an eyebrow at you, but otherwise said nothing. You stood up, the black fuzz clouding your vision a bit. You stumbled again slightly, but quickly shook it off before Medic could move in. You waved goodbye to him over your shoulder and walked down the hallway and into your room.

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