Chapter Seventy-Three

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You woke up early, too early. You felt it. Looking over at your alarm, it was thirty minutes until Soldier usually starts making his rounds. So.. not that early? Why do I feel so... light? This is weird. With a groan, you got up. No use in sleeping for only thirty minutes, you'll just wake up more tired.

You shuffled over to your bathroom and started your morning routine. For some reason, you wanted to look extra cute today. No makeup, like you ever wore it anyway, but just a little extra care to your hair, a little extra care washing your face, and a little extra care making sure your clothes fit perfectly.

You took a little bit of extra time admiring your jacket, and making sure you grabbed your tools. You and Miss Pauling really did a good job with this, and of course the help from your teamm- well, you guess you could say they were friends- made all of it possible. You scoffed at yourself before smiling. Can't believe I'd ever say that. You did a little twirl, suddenly very excited at the prospect of finally being comfortable with all of them. You know what else you were excited for?

Kicking some BLU ass.

With a smirk, you pretend to wipe the smirk off of the BLU Strategist's face, pretending to make her hallucinate her worst nightmare. You really hoped that it would be what she'd hallucinate. After all, why not have a little fun and learn one of her weaknesses for once? Maybe give you the upper edge one of these days. You most certainly deserved it.

You smirked and placed your secondary back into your holster for it on your waist. Your primary was in a holster on your right thigh, your disks were on a belt as well as your devices, and your knife was in a clip on your left.

I'm ready.

Suddenly, a large knock rapped itself against your door.

"CUPCAKE! Get ready for today's battle!" You heard Soldier shout through the door and opened it in front of him.

"Way ahead of you, Soldier," you leaned against the doorframe with a small smirk. He simply chuckled in his... well, "Soldier way" while shaking his head.

"Proud of you, soldier," he added in a weirdly low volume, as if he didn't want to admit it to anyone else. Perhaps the surprise showed on your face, because he chuckled again before walking off. It was like he was in a daze or something. He doesn't usually act like that...

The words "thank you" left your lips like a breathy whisper, unaware of what it meant for him to say that. Then, a smile adorned your lips, and you proudly followed after him towards the living room.

Breakfast started, and Engie cooked. It was nice, and it was filling but not to the point where you felt heavy. Simply perfection from the Texan. Throughout the meal, you noticed Spy taking glances at you and then looking down at his plate seemingly caught up in something. You really hoped he didn't regret hugging you last night. Not when you were both starting to get along. Either way, breakfast went off without a hitch, you explained the plan to them, and it was time to head to the battlesight: TwoFort.

You hopped into the back of the truck, Spy was driving and you took notice of him looking at you through the mirror. Shrugging it off for now, you decided to sit next to Scout and Sniper to avoid any extra drama. You wanted this to be a good day after all. Still, you couldn't ignore the stress in Medic's eyes and the slight concern in Demo's. I'm MAKING this a winning battle so help me.

You leaned your head against the back of the truck.

"Excited ta fight, Toots?" Scout whispered, obviously trying to contain his excitement by talking low.

"You bet, Scout," you smirked, closing your eyes.

"Even afta last time? Wow, you're tough!" You couldn't help but furrow your brows.

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