Chapter Forty-One

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You walked into the living room visibly shaken and frustrated. The people who were sitting around, enjoying their days like normal people, were Engie, Demo, and Sniper. Engie spoke up first.

"Darlin'? Are you alright? What happened during trainin'?" Engie asked, sounding a little bit frantic. I guess he was expecting this....

"Let's just say it didn't go that well, but we finished it," you answered him. Hugging your arms. Sniper furrowed his brows, but kept silent. Fine, fine. Makes sense. I shouldn't expect anything out of anyone. Damn... I just need to forget about this. I need to move on.

"Well, is there anything yer doin' now?" Demo stood up and walked over, looking completely sober.

"Um, no. Why?" You looked up at the Scotsman, genuinely confused. That's weird. Isn't his whole thing supposed to be that he's drunk all of the time?

"Er, well, we're behind schedule, and I though' that maybe I could train ya, to take yer mind off 'im. Besides, if we do it now, he wouldn't stand there to watchya like a creep!" Demo offered, acting as if he didn't know exactly what he was doing. You felt sympathetic towards that. Taking some time away from him might actually be good for me. "What do ya say, lass?" You gave him your first fully-comfortable smile since,'s been a while.

"Yeah, I would love to do that right now." You pushed a hand through your hair and laughed as Demo beamed like a child. You noticed Engie smile in a relieved way out of the corner of your eye.

"Let's do it!" Demo shouted, charging himself to the storage/training building. You laughed, letting one of your arms down while turning to face the others. Sniper nodded approvingly and Engie waved you off. You ran after him, maybe even feeling a little bit free from his goofy action. He stood at the door with his hands on his hips, still smiling. He waved when he saw you.

"Aye! Took ya long enough!" He taunted you playfully, laughing as he did so. You looked up at the building when you came near him.

"Hey Demo, I have a question." He looked down at you.

"Yes lass?"

"What is this building called?"

"This ol' thing? We call it the Trainin' Facility." He answered, holding the door open for her. "Are ya ready to learn the craft of a Demolition Expert?" You smiled kind of shyly.

"I am."

"Good! I wouldn't know wha' ta do if ya said no!" Demo clapped you on the back and followed you inside.

Coming up to the wooden barrier you shot targets from, Demo stopped. You looked at him, not even needing to have him ask before you switched to Demo's gear. It even came equipped with your own fancy eye patch! It felt surprisingly comfortable and secure at the same time. It was nice.

You couldn't help but giggle as you looked up at him, flipping the eye patch up. You saw a reminiscent, almost hopeful expression flash on his face as you did that, but it disappeared as soon as it came and was replaced by his excited expression.

"Hey, how did ya know whot I was goin' ta ask?" Demo gawked.

"I guess you could say it was a hunch." Demo put a finger to his chin as his other hand pressed a button hidden by the wooden barrier. Cardboard cutouts of the Blu Team popped out of the ground.

"A hunch you say? Can your hunch figure out how ta aim tha' grenade launcher?" He pointed to the bulky weapon in your hands.

"U-um...maybe?" You answered, feeling pressure start to make you nervous while holding it up. Demo laughed.

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